RE: DEEPFAKE - we can no longer trust our eyes
The solution to this problem isn't really that difficult, except that it will be difficult for authority to accept because to solve this problem requires them relinquishing control. The lesson here is that the position of president is obsolete. It is based upon trust. But with Bitcoin we have, "don't trust, verify".
To the extent that we all have copyright control over our own "image", such replications beyond this is a violation of copyright, but how could this be enforced? Simply by not trusting anything and using verification instead. If something isn't signed with the correct hash / signature, then it simply isn't valid. We've been doing this in the world of PGP for nearly 3 decades now.
Also, it's time for people to get over rage based social media militarized propaganda techniques. These people are going to start looking very stupid in the near future.
The best answer is to localize your business. Globalization just magnifies the problems (but makes politicians / parasites very rich). The vote is just an excuse to globalize problems. There's no reason why someone casting a vote thousands of miles away should have any impact whatsoever in my house.
The ideal range of anyones voting power should not average much more than about 5 acres. Anything beyond that is meddling in other peoples business. To the extent that there are such issues that require global attention (such as nuclear power), they should be governed by consensus algorithms and singled out from congressional bills and voted on individually (the mass packaging of bills is just another political trick to avoid accountability and make parasites very rich).
Dear @zoidsoft
One of the best comment I've read in that topic so far. Seriously thanks for sharing your view with us.
I'm not sure if I understand you well. Does it mean that if I migrated for some period of time in order to look for better life, then I shouldnt be allowed to vote?
Have a great upcoming week buddy
Yours, Piotr
No. It means that some things shouldn't be voted on at all but are a matter of sovereignty. Should I be able to vote on what you're allowed to do in your bedroom? How about all of us voting on how much of a raise we give to ourselves from your wallet? (this is theft, but we call it taxes instead) The brainwashing of society is severe and as a result, humanity consents to the insane.
Thank you for your kind comment @zoidsoft and solid explanation
Appreciate it a lot.
Thank you for this amazing comment @zoidsoft! I agree with Piotr, this is indeed one of the best I've read in this thread.
Interesting conclusion. I generally agree with the concept of living locally, but don't you think that globalization is somehow unavoidable nowadays? Localized business means smaller "range" and smaller profit.
Yes, I got your point. Absolutely agree.
Such dispersed democracy is really interesting concept. I would like to see it in reality, but I'm afraid that it will never be implemented - our governments are too centralized.
Thank you again for your insights and have a nice day :)
The internet is global, so is the air supply. That doesn't mean that I breath in air from the whole planet at the same time. Accessing the internet is a voluntary act and therefore under your control. The disease is coercion and use of force. Some think that they have a right to dictate to you what you're allowed to see and think. These are the rising technocrats. Mr. "Don't be Evil" himself said this...
In other words, give them all your data so that they can tailor search results to what you expect. This is what I have referred to as a "digital thought ghetto" in my blog. Giving this kind of power to any centralized entity will produce extreme corruption. They can manipulate your emotions, get you to buy anything, vote for anything. Imagine giving this kind of power to Rev. Jim Jones? What could go wrong?
The result is that people won't grow and this is already happening in the social media echo chambers. Google isn't the only one doing this. Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, etc are all getting in on this.
Government has recognized the importance of this and wants to "regulate" it, not for your protection, but for their control over you.
Test... Have you heard of the "Yellow Vests" (Les gilets jaunes)? If not, why is that? Who is trying to filter that information out of your conscious awareness? Why might they want to do that? This is "soft fascism".
Localized government means smaller parasites. Global business is OK as long as it "does no harm". Anything that could affect someone else negatively should be held under a consensus algorithm. Spreading joy globally, not an issue, unless you're a government curmudgeon invested in Raytheon or Northrup Grumman (military contractors) who makes money on spreading war.