my life 2
Evening, empty rented apartment, coffee, cigarette...
Passed divorce I rented an apartment.... What to do next? To go back to the province did not much want to, and kind of grown up I would have her parents back, but we must move on! And how to pay the loan. Begin frantically flipping through the papers, watch the message boards to find at least a room to buy, that would be your area and not pay someone else's uncle for housing. But I would not think that I will be disappointed, Dorm room starts from 500 thousand rubles! how? for what? for the neighbors of alcoholics? apartment and the more expensive ... so I got...
But in such a stressful situation, man begins to think differently, come to mind non-standard solutions and solutions to the situation. And one day came to my work, it was decided to live at work.
It's not right!
Are you homeless? thought, almost everything.
But many people do not understand the whole situation, but the decision was made, it was necessary to know the opinion of the authorities. Found on the territory of the abandoned room saunas (well that base is old, since the days of the USSR). Heating operational, water and a toilet available, only hot water in heating well and will cope with this! The boss gives the go-ahead! Of course. it is only on hand is always handy electrician who does not drink! And I feel good, no utility bills ;-) But have a place to live, and to think what to do next.
About pace work - home "job" - job, after a half year, I begin to understand that can not continue, and again you need to find a way out of the situation.
The search for the cheap rooms were not crowned with success, the price tags just went up. But one winter evening, I come across the announcement of the sale of a country house in the city for only 130 thousand rubles. Talked to my parents, promised to help, have agreed with the seller in January, after the holidays....
What's wrong with me!

A month and a half in a cast while were at the hospital, house is sold and the parents help my brother to pay the mortgage.
Something you need to think where to take money, and as something to save. I remembered a little experience of Amateur radio from the 90s, it is possible to pass the radio details! Don't be surprised take even today, as they are full of precious metals! Gold, platinum, tantalum, silver, and much more ;-)

But there is a small but if you go to any radio Amateur, he has such a little detail, even in the USSR they were hard to get. And now, after 90 is almost gone.
Start a Grand cleaning at work, at my parents ' house, gather all that I could find, I think...not a lot to 20 thousand... Okay, moving on, there are also friends and colleagues, and lo and behold a colleague found a bowl all of the items enumerated we believe, better!
In this difficult time, to work with us gets a new programmer, and you even know it! @Dreamer.golos !!! After learning about my problem volunteered to help, and wonder when all these networks into a single whole food to pass. It was very good, 100 thousand rubles.
Find, plot, 6 acres, in town, for $ 90... that suspiciously cheap?!?!?... think, communicate with lawyers, it turned out to SNT, and the land is not privatized. Can risk? and if it does not, do not land not money....And the house on plot no.
Think, think, think. But the choice is still there, take!

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