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RE: When's the Last Time You Got Out of Your Comfort Zone? // Here's My Story From Tonight

in #life6 years ago

So the challenge is to think of the last time you went outside your comfort zone? haha. I feel, as you age your comfort zone grows, whenever I see an opportunity to go outside it, I take it! Only if I see a positive growth as an outcome, though. Lots of things are uncomfortable for good reason; survival. Today I filmed inside a local burger joint because I needed 7 seconds of video for my recent REA[d}, 5 months ago I may have felt uncomfortable filming a scene out in public. Today, it doesn't phase me, haha.
I wait tables at night, so I am used to being on display and speaking in front of people (that is originally how I broke my fear of speaking in public 15 years ago). Its when I pull out a gimbalted selfie stick that the eyes look at me differently. If they ask I'll tell them where to find it. Glad to see you going strong as always ;)


oh wow that is a big moment!! Filming in public can be super nerve wracking - so good on you!! I've done it a few times too and it always gets a little easier each time. People definitely have a weird energy and judgement around it.

Once I got up at 5 am to go film something down by the water to get good lighting (in the summer), and there were a couple of retired guys out walking that totally ruined my take of the video cuz they were yelling annoying things at me like " Who you talking to over there? Does your camera talk back?" Stuff like that. Anyway, glad it sounds like you survived the burger joint filming experience!