The Elixir of Happiness

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Once lived a great king, he was dying but he didn’t want to, so he asked for a solution to be found. His Ministers got a word that in a cave, there was a small pond which contains elixir of immortality, but there was a problem… once you enter the cave it was impossible to get out and people often get trapped. Then, the ministers thought of an idea; they would take a mare with them and outside would await for its foal(horse’s baby) and a mare always finds its way to its foal, hence it would be easy for the king to return.
So the king now all set, entered the cave. After a long walk he found the pond. Just as he was going to drink, he spotted a very old and feeble man sitting in the corner and staring aimlessly, the king asked “Is this the pond one is supposed to drink from to become immortal.”
The man confirmed. The king had another question.”Did you drink from this pond?”.
The man replied “Yes”, then king asked “Then, why do you look so old and weak?”
The man replied “I already lived 100 years. The water from the pond certainly gave immortality but it didn’t stop the body from ageing. So here I am, wishing for death”.
This story reminds me of a quote “be careful what you wish for just because you might get it.”
It’s human tendency to desire and acquire things either because others have it or because it seems to give immense pleasure. Its so natural for us to WANT that new gadget, or to buy New arrivals from a boutique. However, we all need to take a pause and question ourselves “Am I contented?”
We must realise that these desires and wants have no end. They will always leave you wanting more….like a box of delicious sweets is to a diabetic; it only seems to give pleasure and ultimately a trip to doctor. Or the great conqueror Asoka who had conquered almost all of the Bharat only to leave everything and follow the path of peace. So the lesson that the story imparts is that the fulfilment of our desires does not guarantee us happiness, we may want to be a billionaire but there is no guarantee that it will make us happy all the time in fact it might make us anxious, sleepless because now we fear someone might steal it. Or in case of the story, immortality may be a great achievement but it could also be a golden cage that traps.
We need to find “SANTOSHA”(contentment) within. Contentment and happiness is innate nature of our soul yet we pursue it outside in the world. However, Santosha is to realise that we already have so much. For instance, enjoying everyday routines(even if it’s boring), not bothering to try and fill every Sunday with some adventure or excitement instead take a refuge with yourself; within you by doing exercising, yoga, meditation or just being in the house with loved ones or indulging in hobbies or maybe just sitting quietly and enjoying the moment. Happiness comes when there is contentment and peace within.
….And the only way to find Happiness is to be.