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RE: One of these things is not like the other?: Actually, they’re the same.

in #life7 years ago

I also believe that most people don't need a gun. As most people in my country don't.

However, when watching extreme left leaning media distort truth just to prove a point is wrong. There are extremist in both side that depicts each other as monsters and idiots that has to stop. A logical and unemotional debate is needed.


Well, I have loads of guns and certainly am not a monster or an idiot.

Yeah! We can live and let live. Unfortunately, in media they present the worst possible example that riles people up.

Bad Right Example
One example shown (US) was a group of 5 guys entering Mc donalds with long rifles. Scaring the customers as they thought there was a robbery. Instead of explaining or trying to defuse the situation they double down and pronounce its there 2nd amendment right that they could march around like soldiers.

Bad Left Example
Again in the US media I thought that anyone can buy again and its not regulated but apparently it is regulated and you would have to have background checks and everything. When a leftist media tried to buy an AR-5 (Not sure if this is the right gun) he was denied discrediting the story that it is so easy to buy guns!!!

Sorry I am not very familiar with how media is in your country, but I am assuming it is similar based on the sentiment of your post?

It’s pretty hard making comparisons between the US and Australia when it comes to gun laws I think. Needless to say the media will sensationalize anything to get ratings in a bid to sell more advertising space. The media is not to be trusted however it’s where the vast majority of people get their “reality” and thoughts. It’s sad really. All those lemmings out there following the media’s propaganda and running towards the cliff’s edge. Still, let them fall off I reckon.

There’s laws in America and Australia regulating firearms and each state of both countries have different laws. Gun ownership and rights in both countries are not as free and easy as people think.

Thanks for the information. I hope that all goes well for your country.