Put a mental image above my head? Whaaaaat? (The therapeutic 6-Direction procedure)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

You're not kidding? OK, OK, wait a moment ... Wow, it is possible.

The 6-Direction procedure is a Rub & Yawn technique, so make sure you are familiar with that first, maybe from https://steemit.com/life/@yawnguy/how-to-blow-your-socks-off-with-rub-and-yawn.



Let's say we are addressing some “baggage”, some sticky topic that is hard to move on from. The immediate end-result is release, being able to shift your attention, usually accompanied by relief, an expansive feeling of lightness, and at least a smile.

Take the aspect of that topic that is most attracting your attention right now, and put it above your head. This is simple to do with an easy topic (maybe breakfast today), but much harder to do with a hot/charged one. Do your best, even if it's only with a tiny piece of it. No need to spend too long at it. OK. Now put it below you. To the right. To the left. In front. Behind. Above again. And so on, until it has released a bit and you feel better. This procedure works best when you're not hungry, tired, under the influence, etc.

Hot topics only

It is important to use a topic that is hot (charged and triggered), that your attention is being drawn to right now this exact moment. Don't use a topic which you can easily shift your attention onto and off – if it's not “sticky” right at this moment, then it's not likely to give much benefit.

Too heavy!

It's OK if you can't manage the whole thing all at once -- even moving a tiny part in the correct direction is OK.

Shutting down

If you start mentally shutting down, even a little, stand up at once and start contacting the environment forcefully (stamp on the floor, bang the table hard, etc). If you fail to do this you might fall asleep. Nothing bad will happen as a result -- unless you're driving a car or something like that! -- but it is a waste of session time.

Keep rubbing

Don't fail to rub fairly continually while doing the visualization. It is RUB and Yawn for good reason! "Rub" includes stretching.

One direction/one discharge preferred

It is sometimes difficult to get the yawns going. Sometimes one doesn't seem to have any energy to spare, whether it's bad energy or good energy. But try and at least get some discharge on every fresh 6-Direction command. Even if you think you can get more yawns off without going on to the next direction, still go through the six directions, one after the other. It usually works better like this, although it isn't a disaster if you yawn a couple of times before you move on.

Nothing happening despite rubbing? Change something

If nothing much is happening despite vigorous rubbing, change something. In other words, if there is no fairly immediate discharge of harmful energy as shown by a sigh or yawn etc, then change around the parts of your topic while continuing to put it in the place asked. Make the various parts larger, or make copies of them, or focus on the feelings more, or add in bits that should be there, that sort of thing.

When flat?

Your topic is considered to be flat (no point in addressing it further right now) when there is no further discharge despite trying, and you feel better about the topic. This might take five minutes, or thirty or more.

Where used?

6-Direction is a workhorse procedure, useful in many situations. It can be done in a formal session, or it can be done very sloppily while waiting in the car or supermarket line etc.

Source: Above text adapted from my writings at PaulsRobot.com.



Feel free to ask questions in the comments, and I'll do my best to answer them for you.

Free sessions

To get free online fully-personalized stress-release sessions 24/7, see the links below.


I am not a licensed practitioner in your area, and no longer give personal sessions. My works, designed for normal people and not clinical cases or the dysfunctional, treat you as a spiritual being and not mere flesh and blood. Use my free websites and videos at your own risk.

Index of my main Steemit blog posts

Table gives post number, title/link, brief notes about content.

Links to some of my stress-release sites

Yawnguy YouTube videos: Entry level. Since 2007, I deliver sessions directly to you by video on your custom topics. Start with Rub & Yawn 1/3.

YawnMachine.com: Entry level. Mobile-friendly. Text-based Rub & Yawn sessions.

PaulsRobot.com: Entry level (more or less). Mobile-friendly. More options to address your own topics. Sessions use three different Rub & Yawn techniques (Reach & Withdraw, 6-Direction, Rogerian). Includes theory and explanations.

RubAndYawn.com: Entry-level. Mobile friendly. Theory/explanations only, no session delivery.

PaulsRobot3.com: Advanced level. Desktop site. Delivers sessions on your custom topics. 3375 session pages in 31 onsite modules, using over 16 different techniques, none of them simply “talking about it”. Includes all relevant theory.

PaulsRobot2.com: Advanced level. Mobile-friendly. Experimental. PaulsRobot functionality but through icons instead of words. Includes automated session record. Video intro.

Yawnguy.com: Entry level. Desktop site. Links to my other sites. Over 100 testimonials. Includes roll-your-own audio session templates.

Facebook: My FB account, not used much.

Twitter: I have @yawnguy, @paulsrobot, @rubandyawn accounts, now coming out of hibernation since 2009.