Are you a Masochist?
Human beings are complex, our feelings respond to a logic of cause and effect between an external event and an external experience. However, not everything always fits perfectly. On many occasions we can be contradictory.

One way of demonstrating this is, for example, those people who are saddened by the good of others, another contradiction is the one presented in masochism. In which an individual instead of leaving before a situation that should cause fear, is still there.

People naturally seek pleasure, well-being, and feel comfortable ... and we avoid pain, frustration and suffering.

However, there is a world of people who find satisfaction in pain and suffering ... Incredible, right?
These people are called: Masochists.

Although a large part is given to the sexual part, similarly it can be called masochism in other areas.
For example, at the psychological level when a person has a feeling of guilt and becomes the victim.
It is time to evaluate ourselves and define if we are masochistic people, the first thing we will say is: No, of course not, I am not a masochist ... however, we must remember some moments of our life and see if we have not been submissive in any situation.
If you stopped doing your will at some point to do someone else's, then you were a masochist.

If you constantly perform some work or rule that does not satisfy you, then you are a masochist.
If you deceive yourself in the face of an event that normally displeases you but you pretend to be well, then you are a masochist.
To conclude I would like to leave as a reflection that we have to take into account that there is a limit, where masochism becomes a medical or psychiatric problem, and it should be attended with the required care.