School Tomorrow!
School tomorrow!
My official school year starts tomorrow YAY!!! -__- Finally, the last year that I have to go to prison… I’ve only got 7 months left to finals and I can’t wait, I’m gonna slay it if I can :D.
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(realization that it starts tomorrow 😐)
So starting the new school year I would usually write an inspirational poem or a poem related to me not wanting to go back, but this year I am in a very mixed place, I really want to go back and finish it off, but I also don’t want to…
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I’ve had a summer break for the last 2 months (being in the Sothern hemisphere) and it was glorious, I’m really not ready to give that up. But on the flipside, I really want to see some of my friends again and I want to make the best of my last year.
I’m glad to start off the new year rid of many toxic relationships. I have a new burning motivation to do the best I can because believe it or not I actually have a plan. I found some ambition over December that started like an ember and now is a raging wild fire that just struck a dry dead forest. I’m gonna keep riding the high until the end. I know school will give me a lot of inspiration for my work, which is another perk. I’m grabbing life by the mane this year!
I hope you all the best. :D Continue to live with motivation and ambition!
Best regards Ethan!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't wanna go to school!!! :(
good luck , i hope to follow me here
Best of luck. Your blog is good, I also feel same experience such a condition
Haha I was so confused to read you’re starting again, but forgot about different locations/times of year etc. Best of luck!
Thats really amazing. Sometimes People feel lazy going to school. I hope that you spend good time there and thank you for sharing :)
School sucks, but you miss it the most when you're out of it. All the best.
Excelente publicación amigo! mucho éxito y buenos deseos para su blog saludos:)
Best of luck!!!!
Good luck, study hard and become a Dr!
Its just begin!