How To Get And Stay Motivated

in #life8 years ago

I'm going to start this post off by saying that this is not impossible and yes you can do it. Everyone can feel unmotivated at times. In fact sometimes we get so unmotivated that even thinking about making positive changes seems too difficult.

But don't you worry! Today I will be sharing with you some knowledge on how to get and stay motivated!


It doesn't matter the size of the goal but it does matter if you work to achieve and celebrate these goals, goals isn't about just saying 'I want to lose some weight'. Its about something more than that it should be specific, achievable , measurable, relevant and time-bound both short and long term goals. Your aim might be to lose 10lbs in 5 months but your goals should be behavior change focused i.e based on how you you are going to lose that weight. A smart goal based on portion control would be: I will fill at least half of my main meal plates with vegetables everyday for the nest 3 weeks. It would be useful to write or draw up a check list. Everyday you achieve a step in complete your goal, check it off.

Once you achieve a 'mini goal' you should reward yourself to that. Such as a spa day, new t-shirt, new toy etc.. I would personally stay away from food rewards as it might make completing the final goal that much harder. Make sure to choose the reward before setting the goal.


If you're trying to lose weight write down how much you weigh each and every week, or if you're trying to sculpt your body how you like it take pictures and mark your progress, even go the extra step and write down body measurements! It's not all about scales!


 Find a friend, trainer or even a group that will keep you on track when you start to shit away from your goals.

Talking out loud to someone about your goals and how you are progressing with the goals can be really powerful. Post it, tweet it, Instagram it, blog about it. Write a Steemit blog about it! If you tell others that you are striving for a goal you will find support that keeps you accountable.


Doing the same thing each and every week can get tedious, which is why every month you should experiment with new healthy foods and give your fitness regime a re-gig. Sign up for different classes/activity's each month that sets new mini goals for you to achieve.


To some people this will be the hardest thing to achieve but for others it will be a breeze. Learn to love and accept yourself as you are now, before you start taking on new goals. The more positive you are the more likely you will be able to achieve your goals. 

Recognize negative self talk, which is really what's causing your slump. Just spend a few days becoming aware of every negative thought. Then after a few days, try squashing those negative thoughts like a bug, and then replacing them with a corresponding positive thought.




My goal is to keep this up until I can build a house, and then to keep this up!

What a great goal to set Papa! I definitely know you will achieve this! Best of luck!!

Thanks for the great tips again!! I'm sure these too will aid in success

Great advice! My goal for this year is to find out if I can earn a decent penny with my creativity, meaning many smaller goals to reach an answer :D

When there is a will there is a way!