RE: Future is already Here
Yeah right that would be scary. Imagine Michael Hastings style CIA hacks on peoples prosthetics and any embedded technology? Forget hacking your car they could hack your legs and walk you straight off a pier. Having taken Biomedical Ethics we went over transhumanism a little and I always took the stance of if it helps the person get back to "normal" than I am all for it, but no enhancements and we should not be trying to make machines act human ever. Anything involved with the brain is going to lead to big issues eventually. But prosthetics are really such a valuable part of the crossover between medicine and engineering and computer science that the recipients can and do have very "normal lives" after getting them. Definitely worth that but no I will never be getting chipped or having my consciousness uploaded so my wife can talk to me after I am cremated. Thats just weird sci-fi stuff. San Junipero!!!
exactly and if programmed by the right people that chip will wipe your memory and turn on what ever emotional sectors you have in your brain. So these are the debates that the young generation need to talk about. How can go forward with this technology in a way that doesn't ruin the future we do have.
Just don't lose tour humanity and the best way to do that is to realize how unique and special we are and no piece of silicone or graphene can ever replace a person. We already have bots all over the place, the last thing I want is to turn myself into one. Then again with these smart phones it is like we already have a built in GPS and mind reader. It sees and hears all. Its those things we need to worry about. The less obvious signs that we are becoming dependent on machines to do the work of the human brain.