The Life of an Empath

in #life8 years ago

So a few days ago I met a new friend (through friends I already have). When I met this person the aura seemed to be way out of wack with the way she presented herself.. Long story short I decided to read her palms with her permission. I have never cried whilst doing so. She had a lot of lines that seemed broken, "scratched", "hatched" , "circled" "holed" and just.. broken. I did not want to pry into her personal life because it was not my business.. But that made me think about my own life and my own circumstances.. Sometimes we truly can not see what we have/ what we have had until until we see what others do not have/ have not had.


Completely agree, most times people just become judges before knowing a person. Having the openness to accept someone regardless of there background is such a wonderful thing. Especially with empaths because you know that they can have a strong understanding of others.

Wise words @wanderingsage ! I do feel it is a constant struggle of inner conflict to be able to perceive everything in the world and remain focused and calm!

Yes that inner struggle between positive and negative is always there, sometimes the scales shift a little to one side or the other but no matter it is important to learn the ride it out than to resist. That tension is what allows us to grow and become better versions of ourselves to deal with more that calls our way.