My Life

in #life8 years ago

Lately I have been going through a lot. I had recently decided to quit my job to seek better employment to further myself mentally and spiritually. Trying to figure things out has been a royal nightmare. I will get back to my project soon hopefully!


Nice would you keep posting here because I enjoy reading your posts and think you could turn this into more income than any job you have had so far?

I will try to post on here more. At least I might try to do so consistently even if it one post a day. @Jerrybanfield

It is good to quit your job if it goes against your values and is dragging you down and sucking away your energy. But what is this project you are talking about?

@Paprikachips it is a project (long term) for the promotion of nude art. More specifically artists painting whilst nude. The idea that the human form is natural art and that when you have natural art and view it creating art is pure beauty. It is all mostly subjective.

Good luck with your interesting project! I hope you can still financially support yourself during this period.

Thank you @paprikachips ! Most things tend to work out in the best of ways for myself. It has taken a lot of personal growth to realize that there will always be hope in times of darkness and uncertainty!

My life is peaceful and that's one of the main things I enjoy about my life.

@akareem as an army veteran I do not think I could easily say that my life has always been peaceful. As I have learned you have to take the great with the not so great in life to achieve balance. In my subjective experience I have found more peace through having balance.