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RE: Vaccine or not Vaccine

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I’m so glad that I found your blog about this topic! It’s drive me crazy on Facebook I’m almost avoiding FB so I don’t get emotional. People can be so rude name calling and being nasty there. Make it short: I am also a young parent of two. I’m not pro or anti vanccine. Like you I have my concerns and I’m studying more and more on the ingredients especially the heavy metal addictives effect on body. My first girl is vaccines which I delayed till she was 4 I felt more at peace when I know she is a lot stronger to handle bunch of biochemical+heavy metals injections. My second one is currently under one. I’m still hesitant, I don’t think I will vaccinate her till she is bit older. I’m currently reading Dr Paul Thomas “ the vaccine friendly plan” he is amazing!!! He will go into details on how to safely vaccinate your children at the same time prevent them getting injured from vaccines. ( if anyone tell me vaccines are 100% safe I only believe it! Just like someone can die from measles about 1/10000, there are kids dying from vaccines too! I hope the person would do more research!) also Dr Suzan Humphrey she is also brilliant. Although you will find she is very hard core against it. She use to be a pro vaccine till more research she has done discovered more and more dirty secrets behind the whole industry. Her and dr Paul Thomas, their knowledge experience and intention I have no doubt I’m listening to the right person. sorry about this long comment, this is just something I’m really interested in learning more and have an open minded discussion. We all want the best for our children( there are tones ppl out there would call me stupid or don’t love my kids) and that’s why we go that extra mile to ask questions, raise our concerns instead of just do what dr or government say.