My Stand As A Non-Conformist Feminist

Feminism is popularly understood to stand for equal rights between sexes, however, it goes against the natural order of things that puts a man in charge as was the case in the story of creation.
Feminists are strong advocates of the abolishment of social restriction on females, this was the basis on which the political movement was built. Pushing that the woman should not only be restricted to the kitchen however as years have gone by, many feminists have become very aggressive and are no longer content with the 'mere' removal of social restrictions, they have gone a step further to disrupt the status quo of things going to become breadwinners in the family, leaders in religious organisations and the community at large. Although this is not entirely wrong but they are no longer content with equality and now aiming for inequality, vying to make men subordinate to them.

This is no longer feminism but anti- masculinity, a case that pushes for the subordination of man to a rank lower than that for which he was ordained. As a woman, one would say you don't bite the hand that feeds you, I should stand with my fellow women and push for equal rights. Yes! I'm pushing for equal rights not inequality, we have already won that fight a long time ago when we won our rights to vote, hold public offices and work outside of our homes and had rights to formal education.
To the feminist, I think you all should go back to the drawing board, and re-orientate yourselves as to why we started this fight. Remember, it's about being equal not being above.
Man is self-ordained, Is this article about equality or religion?
Equality is your right to live, and we all have those same rights. There is not one with more right to live than another.
God does not place one soul above another. All are welcomed equally.
Thank you @jan33com for your "insightful" comment.
First of all, I never said man was 'self-ordained'.
Secondly, I don't see religion attached to this article.
And lastly, I'll love it if you could re-read this article for proper demystification bearing in mind that the concept of this article is based on feminism.
I got that, it was about as things progress so should perspectives not lose track of the morality it was built upon.
Right at the start, you place women below men with your comment on Creation. I said that man is self-ordained, meaning he was not ordained by a God.