How I obtained 600€ of compensation of my flight -1 비행기 연착 시 보상 받는 방법 1.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Did you know that you can ask for 600 euros of indemnity when the flight is delayed more than five hours and the flight is within/from/to EU? (Except when the flight arrives in Europe but the airline company is not European)

유럽 여행을 하시게 되면 이 글이 도움이 되실 것 같습니다. 유럽 내/유럽에서 출발 혹은 유럽에 도착하는 비행기가 다섯시간 이상 연착이 되면 육백유로의 보상을 받으실 수 있다는 거 아시나요? (단, 유럽에 도착하는 비행기 중 유럽국가의 비행사가 아닌 경우 제외)

I had that experience this January, the flights from South Korea to Europe was delayed almost a whole day. It was operated by Lufthanja, and they offered a night in a hotel near the airport/three meals as the EU law states.

올해 1월에 한국에서 프랑스로 귀국하는 루프트한자 비행기가 하루 가까이 늦춰지는 일을 겪었습니다.
당연히 유럽법이 명시한 대로 호텔 체류 비용과 세끼의 식사가 가능한 쿠폰은 비행사가 지불했지요.

However, when it comes to the 600€ of compensation due to the important delay, it was not quite easy. I would like to share the corresponence with the customer service, so that you could refer to it if you unfortunately go through any similar circumstance.

그렇지만 유럽연방법이 명시한 대로 중요한 연착으로 인한 육백유로 보상을 요구하자, 얘기가 달라졌습니다. 몇번의 서신을 통해서야 겨우 보상을 받아낼 수 있었지요. 혹시나 저와같은 불미스러운 일을 당하신다면 제가 올리는 서신을 참조해서 보상을 요구하실 수 있을거 같아요. 그래서 이렇게 메일을 올려드립니다.

****After that I sent a request form on the site, they asked me for more specific information
루프트한자 사이트에서 보상 요구를 신청했습니다. 답장이 왔어요.


In order to quickly handle your concern from 25.01.2017, we need additional information from you.

Please complete the information below and return as soon as possible referencing your transaction number (Feedback ID .........):

Address (Street, City, Country)

Telephone Number

Flight Number and Flight Date, which corresponds to your concern

Ticket Number

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

***** So I responded. 그래서 답장을 보냈습니다.


Thank you for your mail. Please find here the requested information.

Address (Street, City, Country)

  ................, France

Telephone Number


Flight Number and Flight Date, which corresponds to your concern

LH0719, 21 jan 2017

LH2222, 21 jan 2017

LH095, 22 jan 2017

LH1094, 22 jan 2017

LH1098, 22 jan 2017

Ticket Number


Best regards,

***** So they answered
답장이 왔습니다.


Thank you for your email dated 22 and 25 January 2017 and grateful for your patience whilst awaiting our reply.

It was with regret that we learned that your flight from Seoul to Munich on 21 January 2017 did not depart as scheduled due to technical defects of the aircraft. We understand how upsetting it is to have your journey disrupted in this way. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused to you.

For Lufthansa, the safety of passengers is our top priority. This is why we service our aircraft, according to the manufacturer's specifications on a regular basis. However, even with the highest maintenance programmed, technical problems cannot be eliminated entirely.

In circumstances such as this it is the responsibility of the airline to ensure that adequate care is provided and that your Contract of Carriage is completed. We were pleased to note that you were able to arrive in Toulouse on the same day.
With regard to your request for compensation, we have considered your request for in terms of the legal requirements stipulated under EU Regulation 261/2004. In this particular case, we consider it possible to exonerate ourselves from liability since the reason of the flight irregularities are already beyond our sphere of influence. We ask for your understanding regarding our decision in this matter.

Although we realise that this is not the response that you may have anticipated, we trust that you understand our position. It is our hope that you will regain your positive impressions of our services when you next fly with us. We will therefore do our utmost to ensure that your future journeys with Lufthansa proceed pleasantly in every regard.

Yours sincerely,

.......interesting! So they clearly did not have intention to respect the law, or at least we could deduce so.

Please find the answer on the following article how I could get 600 euros of indemnity as my right as a passenger in EU.

흥미롭지 않나요? 법에서 명시한 사항을 지키려는 생각이 별로 없어보이지요.

다음에 올리는 포스트에서 제가 어떻게 보상을 받아냈는지 알려드리겠습니다.