Living Abundantly is AmAZing - Ask, Align, Allow

in #life6 years ago

Ask, Align, Allow

All things in the universe are happening in this cycle of asking, aligning, and allowing.

We ask for what we want. We align with having it. And we allow it to manifest.

Often we do this quite unconsciously, but this is always happening.

We may think, consciously or not, "I want more money", and that in itself, is asking for more money.
And that takes one step, although if we are constantly thinking we don't have enough, then we are aligning with a reality of not having enough money and so it never comes in.

If we are conscious, then we think "I want more money", and then we align with the reality of having more money. We live as if we have more money, and we speak and think as if we have more money.
And then the next step is allowing. Allowing for this reality of having more money to manifest.

One of the biggest barriers here is thinking we don't deserve what we want.
If we think we don't deserve it, then we have put up walls, and now when this tries to enter in, we resist this.

So consciously, we ask for what we want.
Do I want more money? Do I want a new job? Do I want healthy nourishing foods for my body? What do I want?

And next, we align with having that.
Feel what it would be like to have that new job. Think about how we will spend our new money. Speak about nourishing our body with healthy delicious foods.

And finally, we allow.
We stay attentive to life and to our self and we let down resistance so that when what we have asked for shows up in the world, we are able to fully allow it to enter into our reality.