Christmas? Christians? Should they celebrate it?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

fb_img_1481482298283.jpgAccording to a 2013 research study, 92% of all Americans and 96% of Christians are actively celebrating Christmas.

But I wonder how many of them actually understand and know the true nature of how this tradition started?

Most people in today's society will tell you "Jesus's Birthday!" Well...Not really. The truth of the matter is that Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus's day of birth. No one really knows the true date of his birthday, but most would put it in the Spring.

So why December 25th? Well that's a good question.

December 25th or the end of December is very significant to many pagan religions. Some even celebrating Christmas well before Jesus Christ was born. Most of the traditions such as Christmas Trees, singing, and even gift giving were going on prior to His birthday. There were two very popular pagan festivals going on around decades ago called Saturnalia and Dies Natalis Solis Invicti which means "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun." Which is birthday of Mithra.

People don't realize this but much of our traditions and religions are influenced today from these pagan religions not Jesus or early Christians. Did you know that the Puritans hated Christmas and even made it illegal? They knew that is was from pagan roots and that it was an abomination to God. Even Christmas Trees are the in the Bible. Jeremiah 10 talks about cutting down trees, bringing them into your home and decorating them. Some Christians leaders like to say that it was meaning something else or some other excuse, but if you take into account all the other pagan elements of Christmas you could make an easy argument that it is exactly what Jeremiah 10 is referring to.

So look at it this way. Let's say your wife(Christians) cheated on you(Christ) with another man who deceived and seduced her to him(world/sin/paganism). You forgive her and she comes back to you. She says she loves you but keeps celebrating and remembering the other guys birthday. How do you think that would make you feel?

The Bible says nothing about remembering Jesus's birthday. It does however warn about "traditions of men" numerous times and I think because God knew the dangers that come from these "holidays."

I know it is hard for Christians to say no to something that may look so innocent and joyful, but like they say the Satan himself is the master of lies and deceptions. So before you dive into the Christmas "spirit" please look more into this matter of the true origins of Christmas or "Christ Mass."

Remember it is not about what you believe, it is what God believes that counts.

Thank You for taking the time out of your busy day to read this.

Til next time.


Also Fun Fact: did you know that Old Nick or Saint Nick was referred to the devil and still today “Old Nick” is slang for Satan.