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RE: buildings that were only built with primitive tools very amazing

in #life7 years ago


In this modern era technological advances are growing rapidly. Even things that are considered impossible can also be created by humans by utilizing existing technology.

Like Artificial Intelligence or artificial intelligence that has been successfully developed in tools such as cellphones, computers, to robotics. Other sophistication also came from the appearance of flying clothes or jet costumes created by a man named Richard Browning in 2017.

Besides that, sophisticated machines are also present to make it easier for humans to build buildings. Of the many sophistication that was present, it turned out that there were buildings that were only built with primitive tools. make amazement.

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Di era modern ini kemajuan teknologi semakin pesat. Bahkan hal-hal yang dianggap mustahil pun ternyata bisa diciptakan oleh manusia dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada.

Seperti Artificial Intelligence atau kecerdasan buatan yang berhasil dikembangkan di alat-alat seperti handphone, komputer, hingga robotika. Kecanggihan lainnya juga datang dari munculnya baju terbang atau kostum jet yang diciptakan oleh pria bernama Richard Browning pada tahun 2017.

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