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RE: Mysterious Creature Killed in Montana, USA is NOT a Dire Wolf After All

in #life6 years ago

why are people so fanatic to kill wolves ? a wolf is an intelligent social animal trying to stay away from humans but of course trying to survive .. its humans who breed and breed and destroy nature and animals and then feel "frightend" if meeting a natural creature like a wolf -- we have to stop this horrible overpopulation and let nature - plants and animals - grow again to keep a healthy balance on our planet ...


For the most part, I agree with you that people shouldn't be needlessly killing any animals. This particular wolf was killed by a rancher though, because the wolves prey on livestock.

wolves only come close to humans because their natural habitat is destroyed ... otherwise they would stay away ... I know this special case because I was highly interested in this "creature" ...

PS like always there are exceptions ;-)