A bit of Shopping and preparing the BBQ for Saturday
I have planned to do a BBQ at home as finally the weather seems to be warm enough to stay outside.
As I moved in this house last month, I had to go in the shops after work to buy a bit of things that will be needed for Sat. evening BBQ, such as meat, the BBQ, coal and for now just 20 cans x 440ml of Carlsberg. Much more will be bought but for now the important thing was to buy the BBQ.
So here there are the steps of my shopping day LOL
After 30 min more or less the BBQ was ready and I am proud of myself.
I hope the BBQ will be perfect :) and of course I will take pictures and I will share it with you!
If you like my posts please up vote and follow me as your help will give more sense to my work ;)

Good job. Nothing like a good barbecue.
well will see tomorrow how it will be :D
The best of the BBQ are the beers, definitely.

ahahah eso es seguro! No hay estrella pero no me molesta carlsberg :D
Estrella Galicia, espero..la mejor sin duda!
me gustava mas estrella levante... creo se llama así la que se hace en murcia capital no?
#tgif that's the missing tag
Enjoy your bbq and have a good one.
next time I will use it :D
barbeque is always a good way to bring people sniffing around and to share the smiles -- anyway i am following you to see what else you come up with -David
cheers David :) more posts are always coming during the weekend :)
Questo messaggio e' stato creato solo per fare un test e capire se effettivamente riesco a prendere 40 centesimi per il mio post. Non giudicatemi male ma posso crescere pian pianino come voi. Non so se a voi fan schifo 45 centesimi ma a me no. Grazie per aver letto il mio messaggio. Un abbraccio a te ed a tutti voi che leggete.