Full Moon Eclipse in Aquarius - Quick Advice 🌝

in #life7 years ago


This Full Moon is a part Lunar eclipse, arriving on August 7 (6:10 PM UTC), and in Aquarius it will show us the need for change, revolution, and transformation.

It is Intense as in shaky,, perhaps even life-altering for some of us. It might even mark a point of no-return to certain things and situations that have outlived their usefulness

Eclipses tend to shake up the status quo and bring significant developments about major life events; they hardly go unnoticed.

The outcomes are, more often than not, non-negotiable, and they tend to reverberate for weeks or even months.

This Lunar Eclipse can mark the culmination of something started 18 months ago (Eclipse Aug 7th), and for sure can mark the ending of something, and with Aquarius behind this eclipse, it will most probably be the ending of something related to tech and social media, long term goals, innovative ideas, humanitarian endeavors, freedom, breaking the rules, friends, groups, networking, unbending beliefs, and being to detached.

If making big life decisions in an eclipse period - spend time alone and really weigh things up. Make no rash decisions.


Cool. I am Aquarius. Do I get some special power going forward due to the eclipse:)?

You're Aquarius traits may be amplified.....you may feel a little wired.

Good advice. Resteemed :-)

I look forward to more wise words from you!
