Revenge of the Pumpkin: - So Scary It's Funny ...
Revenge of the Pumpkin
In the ODD/FUN things you can build using 12 volt here is a classic:
My friend USED to get his pumpkin stolen off his front stoop every Halloween. (I remember being heartbroken as a kid after spending fun hours with dad carving ours, coming home from a party to find ours smashed on the front walk-the world is NOT GOOD)

{Image Attribute: Melissa Martin}
So my friend knows the little hooligans who were doing it, but never could catch them.
One year he decided to payback…
- He lovingly carved his pumpkin (there’s something about an excellent carved pumpkin that a hooligan can’t resist) and carefully placed it on its spot on the stoop.
- He also carefully arraigned the garden hose in the roof of the stoop aimed at the general direction of the pumpkin.
- Then he put an external car speaker horn inside the pumpkin and ran the wire to the basement and plugged into the PA port of a CB.
The final touch was a neato tin hat for the pumpkin making it totally cute and totally irresistible.
He waited. The hooligan hour arrived and they sneaked up to the stoop.
As they decided who was going to do the deed, the pumpkin speaks and says:
” I wouldn’t DO that if I were you”
They laughed and proper hooligan insults were exchanged with the talking pumpkin.
When they decided there was enough talk -as they reached for the verbose gourd:
The hose was turned on for a proper initial response.
Incensed, they and the pumpkin, escalated the level of insults to derogatory remarks.
-as hooligans must be decidedly angry for this plot's effectiveness.
Enough ! they were going to execute this uppity pumpkin once and for all.
So naturally, first you grab it’s hat to demean it, at which time somewhere a switch was thrown, and an appropriate 20,000 volt charge was transferred to the tin hat, thru to the nicely wet hand of the hooligan who did the “mailman” dance to quite an effect.
The pumpkin speaks and says… "I TOLD YOU not to do that…"
The hooligans promptly ran away.
The pumpkin survived the night, As did it’s descendants every Halloween thereafter.
Moral of the story: Look up homemade “Animal fence chargers”
using … of course a 12 volt battery, and a car ignition capacitor…..
Science: AMPS kill, while super high voltages can disrupt your ‘works”
a mere 20,000 volts just make your muscles painfully contract.
AMPS travel THRU muscles, volts TRAVEL ON SURFACE -mostly…
Ask any mechanic who has touched a cracked old spark plug wire while the car is running.
It is the basic principle of a modern stun gun or taser.
Great fun… MANY applications…
Non-lethal, -usually
……..and even a pumpkin can do it…..
This post shared here, originally came from my Wordpress blog
Posted on November 27, 2010
Did you try uploading your photo to and then use the markdown full code? It took me to get this right as well. A soon as you upload a photo, a little box will appear offering code. Click the down arrow on the right of the box and choose markdown full then paste it in here.
Thank-you !
I have tried many iterations of the code(s) offered at imagur but while they work in our post editor the joyous image will not appear when posted !
The link you gave is not currently working, I suspect the site is busy... will give a go as soon as I can get in.
Thank-You again !
Took me a while to remember it too.
Ahh ! that it, works fine THANK-YOU !
now to get verified and edit this post ;)