Daily Divination for Wednesday, Feb 14/2018

in #life7 years ago

63. Chi Chi/After Completion — 30. Li/The Clinging

After a short hiatus, I’ve made the decision to release the Daily Divinations a day before so those living in different time zones can benefit from the advice channeled from the I Ching. So for this Valentine’s Day, it’s fairs one well to prepare for the week ahead prior to your evening plans.


It is easy to be lulled into inactivity, or worse, a lapse of attention when things have culminated into a lofty pause. We are at an apex or pivot point, when things will transition away from peace and into the chaotic pulse of daily life we know so well. It does not specify whether things will go from good to bad, but cautions that we must be ready for anything. The 63rd hexagram speaks to the superior man who takes heed of such warnings and prepares himself for inevitable change.

Protect yourself at all times!

The changing line we are concerned with (old Yang in the 5th line), emphasizes the cultivation of sincerity in small tasks it may translate into larger ones. Often, we become so full of our own bull-crap, that we start to believe our own narrative. Empty your cup!!! What the I Ching is warning against here, is a lapse in our ability to remain earnestly receptive while going about our normal affairs of the day. We arm ourselves with humility, so that we can be more aware of any egotistical hindrance operating subconsciously.

Repletion invites errror

Ultimately, whatever comes your way, stay open to the results. If we attach ourselves to results, then we didn’t prepare ourselves enough. The resulting hexagram, Li, asks that we stay open to correction and development. This leads to illumination. We are reminded that the inner work must be done within and ahead of time in order to benefit from the coming lesson. If we are stuck in our rigidity or come with fulls cups, we cannot understand or stay open to the chance to once more flow with the natural forces of the cosmos.

Stay blessed always,

