That thing called love

in #life7 years ago

Love is one of the most intense, mysterious and raw things a person can experience.

The tumultuous emotions that come with loving others, help us to discover our true selves. My husband and I have invested a lot of energy into this thing we like to define as "love". We've dived into deep, scary, uncharted sea, fought wars and made magical things happen when it comes to "us".


Love is on my mind because it's a special milestone for my sweetheart and I. We tied the knot seventeen years ago in my parents living room in Yellowknife. Sarah Brightman "Eden" & "Deliver Me"played on the stereo as the ceremony commenced.

Our wedding was unconventional. It was also Easter which ruffled a lot feathers amongst our devout Catholic relatives. It was not planned intentionally. When you live in a small town and you want the most beloved justice of the peace to officiate your ceremony ... dates are pretty limited. We grabbed a day without even realizing. The ceremony was small and intimate. The photographers mother had a heart attack. There was miserable family drama. It was not a fairytale ceremony and yet ...

I just wanted to marry him. I didn't really care about where or how. Our love was magnetic. We loved each other before we'd even properly met.


We've been together for almost half our lives. My husband mentioned last night that 17 years is enough years for a person to grow up, and get their drivers licence.

In our time together we've raised a child and lovingly booted him out into the world. We've climbed the corporate ladder and we've also grabbed hands and leapt off that same ladder, to chase new dreams. We've camped, and road tripped our summer vacations away and we've carved out a new existence for ourselves here at our homestead. We've worked side by side in both our careers and the homestead. My husband likes to joke that we should get double credit for years put in. Not many couples actually want to spend this much time togehter.

Some will say we've gone crazy togehter. Others tell us we have something beautiful and rare and that we are lucky.

We are blessed to have found each other but luck had nothing to do with it.

Marriage is not easy. Neither of us are perfect. We've pushed and pulled, cried and raged and loved with great intensity.

We have one rule and it's the only advice I can really offer about marriage and love.

Above all else: Be Good To One Another.

Growth and enlightenment is an essential part of life's journey. Some of us are more focused on this aspect of living than others but we all experience it. This journey impacts relationships greatly. As the decades pass, we are constantly changing, not always at the same time or even in the same direction. We keep learning from each other and adapting to changes in our desires, interests and spirituality.

Bumps & Bruises

This journey is not always pleasant and most often it's just as uncomfortable for the one riding that wave as it is for the other, who is trying to understand what's happening. It's this cosmic dance of sorts and we can't seem to get enough of tormenting each other with it. One can easily fall into accusations or rage. making big mountains out of little stones especially when the other is not seeming to "keep up" or "live up" to the others expectations. Humans are complicated and the path to enlightenment is terrifying and not usually graceful.

The flip side is that when things are calm our life is brilliant and beautiful. The love gets stronger and even just writing this makes my heart race and tears well up. I know what I have is precious.

My mom often comments on how nice our relationship is. She then goes onto say how she couldn't spend that much time with my dad. They need their "space". A lot of people make this type of statement to us. They wait for us to concur or validate this but we don't. that is not the relationship we want with one another. That's not to say their way is wrong. It's just not for us.

It's all about choices

We could have easily given up on one another a time or two. I know we've been at a standstill looking over the cliff once or twice uncertain of how we move forward feeling the gulf was too great. Feeling like we were preventing one another from various experiences. We have to remind each other at these times to "be good to one another". Even in the event that one decided to part, it would not erase our story, our journey and our love.


Love is eternal

I think that's the best part of this entire experience. I know I have someone who will love me for always even if our journey changes in such away that our paths diverge. That being said, he'll never get rid of me. I am clinging on with all my might. I am addicted to this love.

Don't fear the rawness of love, it is a gift. Be good to one another, always.


[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

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Photo copyright: Pixabay & modified by @walkerland




Congratulations! This is a really lovely post! I loved reading about your wedding day.

My husband and I are home together 24/7 also and have been since 1999. September will be 44 years for us.

Congratulations to you also! 44 years is something to be celebrated! I we had the ceremony to do again we would have eloped! :)

This was beautiful. Congrats on the 17 yrs!

We have to remind each other at these times to "be good to one another".

A timely reminder for me. Thank you.

Thank you @borrowedearth, I appreciate your well wishes.

what a great message <3 really heartwarming! i hear ya on homesteading life with a partner being double the time! ini and i spend so much time together too, sometimes it can "get to be too much", but we're learning how to take space when we need it. that's great advice you've given, to be good to each other! happy 17 years of Raw love! !!

Thank you! Taking time to just "be"as individuals is such a healthy thing. I find that when we do take some space from each other we are both so curious about what we did, thought about, saw ... it's sort of refreshing.

My husband and I got married way back in 1995. Have lost count of how many years we have been together. We moved in with each other back in 1993, so we have been around the road a time or two!

We can't recall the exact date we started dating ... it seems immaterial I guess! Time passes so quickly. That's what strikes me the most. It seems not so long ago that we were falling in love and now we have a child in his 20's living away from home!

I have not read on steemit so well about love.

Thank you! :)

A beautiful tribute to your love for each other. Congratulations on 17 wonderful years together. May you have many, many more! I was married for 40 years when my husband passed. That was almost 3 years ago and I still wear the wedding band he gave me. I still consider myself to be married. We never needed "space" either and because we worked at it, we spent 24/7 together for the last 22 years of marriage.

I am so sorry for your loss @cecicastor. Your story of love is such a special one and I appreciate you sharing it. We do have to work at it - gifts like this do not come easy. A love like the one you carry in your heart is eternal. ❤