Miracle bridge.

in #life8 years ago

In Holland, built a water bridge, which breaks all the laws of physics. Look at this miracle yourself.
The world is so amazing that sometimes your eyes just run. We admire human genius and share the story of a unique bridge, at a glance which catches breath. In 2002, the world saw the Veluwemeer Aqueduct - the creation of the best engineers that connected the mainland of the Netherlands and the man-made island of Flevoland.
A variety of ideas were discussed, including an underwater tunnel and an ordinary bridge, but the projects would be very expensive, and even more time would be needed to build them. The idea was that both land and water transport could move without interruption, without traffic jams, ferries and delays.
A striking decision - the water bridge - was implemented. About pedestrians, too, do not forget - they are left with specially equipped sidewalks along the sides of the route.
Today, a bridge 3 meters deep passes 28,000 cars a day, and the boats calmly cross the water surface over the bridge.


these are in england too. I imagine they are everywhere where canals are actively still used.

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