Children of the Universal Vortices

in #life3 years ago

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To my daughter, who I have barely known, so you can see there really is nothing more important in this world to me
It bothers me that I am unable to be the Father I meant to be, but maybe this will help you see what kept me so busy
But I am unsure I even know how to tell you, there are so many things, but I hope this helps you to know yourself
There are many things in our world that many people choose to ignore and never question anymore, but noth-ing to me ever meant more
In the World I see; the People follow talking heads like sheep, me to once, but I craved the truth and filled in the blanks they leave
As you grow and learn of the histories you to will see all the question they will leave, but I will give you the an-swers they hid from me
I understand the confusion of life and the answers to ques-tions we creature seek
I hope to answer some of them here, so you may see the reality of Humanity
In my youth, my mother inspired a need to seek Knowledge perpetually
I am no Genius, though others will claim me to be, but what is Genius in reality?
Genius is instilled within all creatures to some degree, but it is nothing to seek
Einstein himself knew not reality, only fabricated versions for inhabitance of other people’s lands, to bring control of Lipids to the few
Know behind the spectacle on television screens, Truth is hidden beneath
Histories abound were rewritten with ease, see real evi-dence or refuse to believe
Never believe the lies of History that blame your Ancestors for all atrocities
For race does not have a card to play in a world where color is Solar based
Religious ideologies swept the World to obscure and divert the perception of our Universe
Remember to believe in the perception of your own reali-ty, for many have created a verisimilitude for you to view
The enslavement of the African and murder of the Natives of this here land was not the white race, their masters in-habit the foreign castles still
It was religious, and that religion was propagated through our people when, and to what end?
The false ideologies used to dissemble Rome still infect our perception of realism
The Judea-Christian Ideologies set out to control the Knowledge of Old
To what means did they go to ensure we believe in such sanctimonious hypocrisy?
Teaching to never question the realities perceived, infects humanity with theology
All fools can clearly see, the measure of a second always will be what we measure it to be
Bending Space-Time can never be, Space exists in Time so infinite it will be
But specifically, it is only 2D, Space in all directions in Time, so simple to see
But it is bending the Knowledge of the events in time they seek, by conjuring new histories
So, ask yourself, why the people decided to be Christian within the lands of the Pagans and exactly how Rome be-came infected with lies?
Stories of Jesus to force humanity obey without question, but that’s not the Jesus, who must have been a seeker of truth.
The Christians put to the sword those who knew the knowledge of ancient times, and with it they gained con-trol over the human brain
Did our Pagan ancestors really act the very same way?
I would never sit here and say, Christians are bad in any way
Because the Pagans are Christians, there can be no other way, just led astray
For Pagans had Wars over resources due to Conglomera-tions caused by our vortical path abroad
But never over Theology, because it had not come to be, or perhaps another reason exists for us to see?
Mankind has existed for millions of years, not ten thou-sand as Theologian’s appeal
But the answer to their claim yields a unique observation, let me explain...
The land of Atlantis as it is known is a Myth written in An-cient Greece
Of a meeting between Plato and the Egyptian Sodom, ex-changing Ancient Histories of times when our world was overwhelmed within our cosmic realm
When it was written can be explored, but the story within is much more than lore
A Comet laid waste to Antediluvian Kings some try to por-tray, Media says. “No Way”
Who said these stories and what did they say, and did we try to look in the Azores today? Pyramids small but exist they do but no one explains
All Humanity tell this story in the very same way, of Human Empires washed away
Believers in Star Maps they sailed the Sea, Singing Hail Wralda for all to see
For whom is that you may wonder now, but it is just God in the here and now
He is also Odin and Ra, and he is Rama and Quenziquatel too
They are all the same, they are just me and you, trying to survive in this primordial Soup
The Lord is the Sun, which created and guided all crea-tures by ordering the chaos by joining her sisters in an or-derly jog
Never kneel upon your knees to worship a God, your ex-istence is as Such, thus never cower before the perceived creator, you are more than just a Spectator
Stand amongst others who exist to believe in what senses through Objective reasoning; Truth exists in many Con-spiracies which are much more than theories
Words of Ancient Tyrants meant to force us to conform to something besides our own Sun and where it was bound
Science is the key to all things and must be forever the fo-cus of Mankind
Twelve thousand years ago Civilizations were thrown asunder, by Conglomerations of our inward Sun's frustra-tion and Cosmic infiltrations
This is true not speculation, the World is much different than you were expecting
There are histories from every Nation existing in the dirt, I hope you see what I mean
To know there is more to History than is known, hidden to ensure we are less informed
Their cities are known far and wide, but they propagate Ancient Aliens, what a surprise?
As if Humans could not build such Structures is incongru-ous with reality, Ancient Architects and their world is bur-ied in the Earth
Evolution has determined how to collect 37 trillion crea-tures into a mass, to what end do you reason we took on such a task?
To work as One Globular Glop in Space amongst all other Globular Glops of many shapes
In Survival, we desire more time for the Understanding of Ourselves, as One within all Selves
Sorry if reading can be one of life’s frustrations, but I need to write this so there is no misinterpretation
Many collections I have made hoping to answer the many questions I have had during my stay, and I want them to maybe help you in future days
I have made a small library for you if what they teach you seems Untrue and you want to see what they hid from you
If all source information you are given in life is of British translations of foreign manuscripts
Forever then we will be veiled from the truth by Interna-tional Bankers, through usury have manipulated the pros-perity of humanity
Usurpers of Mankind through indiscriminate Usury rule our World masking their crimes with theatrical manipula-tions of real-world affairs
But do not be alarmed nor fret, we must always resist if the Earth is to exist
Our Earth resides in a vortically driven ecosystem, and our Sun is essential to our existence as she pulls us through the galactic resistance
Upon the pilot wave She flies like a wave letting light fall away, simply put motion like a spiraling sinusoid, a vortical where safety is enjoyed
Now why I know this you might ask, so now I will tell you all there is to tell
About Myself but first, how this all came to be the way it is and will be
Through you, I forever live, so I am sorry I was not the Fa-ther I wanted to be, the blame is all on me
My people came from impoverished nations, broken by Catholic manipulations
Seeking life away from Religious Hordes they came from fear of living in their World
The blood of all nations flows in us, even so, to hell with racial interpretations based on solar rays falling at differ-ent geographic locations
The crimes of our Ancestors against foreign nations were Christian propagations
The Usurers of the Hidden Nation forced them all into var-ious Confrontations
A thousand years they have ruled us outright, forcing us to flee discrimination or fight
Made the Bible our only Book, portraying Semitic peoples and in an embroiled Situation
In a language unknown to their people, they were forced to sit and learn to forget by masters teaching nonsense
With fear instilled by hysteria it seems, they murdered our Keepers of history
Did you know they meant to enslave all Mankind of every Nation?
Maybe so, because it is worth investigating, but this is supposed to be for you so now I try and tell you how I came to be who I am today
I was born in an instance, and to be perfectly honest, I have no idea how I fell into existence
Amongst me, I lived in the middle of 4 sisters and a mom
In youth my father was always afar, toiling away for money to pay the way
How he must have struggled as I do in life to pay for things outright
In Louisiana, I spent my youth, at play in my room
My mother, though impoverished, never let us turn our studies away
Hoping one day we could find a better way than our par-ents had in earlier days
She believed education could help in some way
All I remember is learning school at Home with my sisters
Everyday teaching me in my youth, blessing me with a head start, this is true
Never to Church would we astray, for what was a Chris-tian? Who could say?
I was a Creature existing and that is all I can say
I seriously want to be and continuously ask, where are we going in this Vortices of Mass?
I learned about Jesus in grade school, causing great confu-sion in understanding my reality
I started reading the New Testament and learned quite well
That Jesus loved his people dear and in poverty, they dwelled
An uprising beholden by impoverished men, theologically driven
He fed the Hungry, by socially farming the lands the rich man had claimed
Healed the blind, by socially gathering and speaking of the Events of the Time
Cured the sick as any man does, for with food the Human does find quality proteins for fighting disease
And he walked on water it would seem, for it was in Rome where it was proclaimed
The savior of Man, over a Hundred years offset, by a ter-rorist named Saul, do not be upset
For theology in truth, something I hope you understand sooner than me, is a way to enslave Mankind to the Usu-rer's manipulations
I was confused then when to the Torah I turned, and it was a story I had already learned
Told in a way to try and skew, the reality of the world be-fore the times of the Hebrew
Took into my older age, to ask questions about what the Egyptian's had to say
And how Ahmose I successfully led a revolutionary force against Hyksos instead as if the stories were twisted to hide the Light of God in the sky
And so, I went on learning and trying to see humanities plight to learn through insight, instead of the theological blight
I felt Logical was the only way to be, so throughout all His-tory courses my attention turned
I on my own filled in the years the teachers left out and found all the answers for myself in the infinite texts of Humanity, hidden in plain sight for all to see
The ability to question is all you need, and my mother taught me this in my youth
And to do so perpetually so I could understand the Truth
Entering my teen years, we were forced to move
To Mississippi and my place in this World of chaos ensued
No money no food, and no father to
Oh, how I forever must apologize to you
For not sharing Space with you on this ride across Time
I was a silly fool, though I was always quite smart in school
Learned to Ace all tests by following one rule
Ignore teachers and propagated views by reading the pur-posefully skewed, and finding the lies and reviewing the histories of human minds
I had no desire for more school, but my mother wanted me to show the world I had the tools
So, an Engineer I studied to be, for rarely in Mathematics is theology present
But quit many times due to lives frustrations sent my life across unknown lands to understand what it meant to be a creature in a vortices
In a place called Wilburton, I soon found myself
Working as a Labor hand to my Mothers despair
Swinging a sledgehammer instead of being educated by slobbering fools
Who just wanted my money and if the money I lacked?
Loans would be given to allow my education if it were good grades, I was getting
I met your mother while there in my toil, and for moments not toiling we spent embroiled
Trying to be someone I was not; I even went to Church with them to sway her parents to let me stay
Hoping to gain favor for giving religion a second go, but unfortunately, I could not leave my questions alone for my mind knew the lore
Preachers do not care for answering hard questions using logical means, only accepting theologies ideo-reasoning
It did not go well is all I can say, I have never gone to Church again one single day
When I and your mother broke up, I want you to know, I was the reason she chose to go, for I was lost in space, ex-isting in time except I did not know where to go
I had no idea things would go by so fast, I went back to school and just left
She called once and I proclaimed that any baby born in February was not mine to claim
Her doctors were wrong, but it was the way I said it that led her away because she did not know what I would say
But I found out you existed, I dropped all my classes and went back to Wilburton because I knew you would need assistance
I needed to be the one who taught you, but I never got to and for that I regret, and you deserved to have me do that
I know you do not remember a lot, but I would always talk to you like a grown-up, hoping to see your mind unwind
I am grateful your mother let me care for you and raise you with her for that year
You learned just like I believed you ought to, because you started understanding the words being told to you
I want so much for you to live unbound by false words tell-ing you to ignore evidence in the dirt on the ground
To survive I worked the as a Roughneck in the land of La-bor obscene
To Corporations, I worked to start anew, but it would not last
Your mother met Jordan who I hardly knew, and looking back today I can only say, I am so happy for you Today
In poverty I and your mother came, not knowing money or from whence it came
With me not going back to school, we would have re-mained impoverished eternally
But as I learned when I finished school, to make money you must have had money, to begin with, or else the debt is endless
So, with him instead of me, you simply have more options, that to be honest, I cannot even comprehend
In my heart, I feel Love for you that transcends existence, and now I have spent years reading and learning to hope to give to you this which may seem like little, but I must in-sist
A head start you deserve to help you unravel all answers a human may seek to find success in all fields, and hopefully this means something to you
By studying the truths of history, because the social views of the majority have been indoctrinated by theology
An Artist they wish you to be but know the best artists knew physics or they would be blind of the world they see
An educated human must know Mathematics to properly predict physics using energy conservation methods
But in truth Physics can be understood without mathemat-ical representation
At least you will learn to see just how stupid the man named Einstein could be, and how Tesla died in poverty
The truth will lead to many uncomfortable views, some that you think could not possibly be true
I hope you see what it is I am trying to do
Only read into the things I have said, if the truth is what you seek instead
I understand this is your life and you may not want to be led
But I wanted to know I let you see the current plight of Mankind
In case everything starts to unwind, and I never get to chance to explain how much you mean
I am sorry if what I said may be confusing, but in time I know you will unravel what it is I mean
I am sorry I am not the father that a father should be
I am, as anyone, a passenger in the unknown world
Vortically driven to our galactic center, although off course just a little due to its barycenter
Everything is Us and thus I will now surrender
I hope life brings you joy a splendor
I have collected all my sources for you if you ever want to view
If not for you, please keep this information I have for you
I hope it may help someone new, or maybe another gen-eration in time
Be careful in the world today, it is not Viruses that you should fear
People who Rule, truly do want to see us lament
Never Ever give in to Usurers
To our Ancestors I plea that we may renew Mankind's Rea-soning
If a Rothschild, you meet let it be said
Watch out, or else you will not keep your head
Anyhow I love you and sorry if I never could talk well to you in your youth
But it bothers some people when I tell the truth
But I will have sinned upon our Ancestors if I do not give this information over to you
So may the Heavenly Rays of the Cosmic Cow lead us anew in the days ahead
And may we always seek out that which is illuminated by our Suns Solar Rays
Remember always you are me, and the Sun are we
All is and always will be One singular Universal Vortices



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