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RE: How To Practice Self-Love!

in #life8 years ago

@kaylinart - You have almost read my mind here with your blog. After a fairly bad year in terms of job satisfaction in 2015, I really hated my job and hated everything around me. Then I made peace with myself, focused on being positive and started enjoying the little things in life too along with big things. This has really helped me. I am sure your blog, presented very logically and with a compelling argument made by you, will help many people, Thanks for bringing it to Steemians. Upvoted

I went on am early morning photography and bird outing today to shake off my Monday blues. Have written a blog with collages of some nice birds (made with my original photos). I also wrote a blog over the weekend with my musings about 'Sting like a butterfly and float/fly like a bee' philosophy for life. I request you to take a look when you have time and let me know your views. Your comments will be eagerly awaited. Thanks


Just wanted to add, another great way to practive self love is to drink lots of water, eat healthy, start to exercise, go for walks in nature, etc.

People are not meant to sit inside all day on a computer and be robots(at least not yet). We need to get outside and move around with social interactions, this will make you feel better and more relaxed.

Going for a 30 minute walk every so often will help you clear your head and think about things you want to accomplish.

Drinking the correct amount of water per day will help you stay awake, focused, and overall feel better. When we are dehydrated we feel sleepy and our brain is constricted.

Eating healthier foods will also make you feel better. your brain needs antioxidants to help deal with the free roaming radicals in your brain, when those are taken care of you feel better and have a clearer mind. You will also have more energy overall and be able to have a more positive attitude.

My example, I have 0 grams of sugar on a regular given day. Maybe one time a week I eat anything with sugar in it. Ifeel great all the time due to this. I have lost over 35 lbs (used to weigh about 230). That is all I cut out was sugary food and soda/juice. I drink lots of water and I feel better because of it. My next target is cutting down on salt intake! Yes! Eating just one fast food meal is more salt than you should have per day, it is making you tired, lazy , and making you feel bad overall beecause it is junk food, cut it out!

Just some thoughts :) Hope some people make small changes like this to feel great!

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