The First Great Commandment (Inspirational)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

jesus and the apostles.PNG

After Jesus was crucified and after he rose from the tomb, the apostles were left alone wondering what they should do, since they had spend the previous 3 years with Jesus. The apostle Paul said they should go back to do what they were doing before Jesus came into their lives, so they got back in their boat and went fishing.

The first night of fishing they did not catch a single fish. On the shore line they saw a figure and it yelled "children, have you caught anything?" They shamefully said that they hadn't caught anything. The stranger then told them to cast the net on the right side of the boat. At that very moment that the figure said this, they began to recognize who this fellow was because this exact thing happened 3 years earlier when Jesus first approached them. And once again, like before, they were not able to pull their net up because they caught so many fish. John then said the obvious: "It is the Lord".

Peter leaped over the boat and swam to the Lord.
Jesus said: "Peter, do you love me more than you love all this?"
Peter said: "Yea Lord, thou knowest I love thee."
Jesus looking in the eyes of His disciple, he says once again "Peter, do you love me?"
The great fisherman answers a 2nd time: "Yea Lord, thou knowest I love thee".
Jesus asks for a 3rd time "Peter... Do... You... Love... Me...?".
Surely Peter being confused at the repetition of the question, he was now concerned he didn't understand the question. Peter said for the 3rd time. "Lord, thou knowest I love thee".
Jesus said something like: "Then Peter, why are you here on this shore, with this same boat, having this same conversation we had 3 years ago? Wasn't it obvious then and isn't it obvious now that if I want fish, I can get fish.

What I need Peter, are disciples, and I need them forever. I need someone to feed my sheep and preach my Gospel and defend my faith. I need someone who loves me, truly, truly loves me. Ours is not a feeble message, it is the work of All Mighty God, and it is to change the world. So Peter for the 2nd time I'm asking you to leave all this fishing behind and to go and teach and testify. You go and labor and serve loyaly until the day that they do to you exactly what they did to me".
Jesus turned to the other apostles and asked them "do you think that killing me would end this work? Did not my life and my love touch your lives more deeply than this".

On judgement day the Lord may ask us "Did you love me?" The first and greatest commandment of them all, Thou Shalt Love the Lord thy God with all they Heart, and with all the soul and with all thy mind. Our goal is to say with all our might: "Yea Lord, I love thee". The crowning glory of love is loyalty. We have a life of devoted discipleship to demonstrate our love for the Lord. Once we find Jesus Christ, there is no going back. We must stand as a witness and share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The call is to come, to stay true, to love God, to lend a hand. Love God and remain clean from the blood and sins of this generation. Your Father in Heaven expects your loyalty and your love at every stage of your life. May we never look back until this work is finished.


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