in #life6 years ago (edited)


I had always been an average student . I still remember when i was in 2nd std and out of 30 students my rank was everyone was like god she is so dull. She needs to improve herself.from that crowd there was one person who was none other than my mom said that "so what if she got 25 atleast my daughter is better than those 5 students..
She told me people will always be there to put you down for failing.. But remember one thing self confidence is the most attractive quality anyone can have .how can people know how great you are if u cant see it urself..
Things may go wrong sometimes because they will but the only thing we can do is keep going ,we cant quiet. We are born fighter.
Everyone will see just the end result whether u did it or no! Nobody will see the hard work behind it that what u went through, what sacrifices you have made. So u don't have to do it for the world you have to do it for yourself. You have to make urself proud first then the world. You have to recognize the capacity that you are holding within.. The potential in you which can rule the world.. Hold it and just go with it. And you will rule the world
Life is a race but competitors are you.. your past your present and your future have to win from your past to be more better than yesterday . We r sort of times so there is no time for regrets. It's a time to search for a true happiness that what makes u happy. Surround yourself with such things be it a person or any material or anything..
Remember life is not a fairy tale. But u can certainly make one for urself. Life is a beautiful journey,a journey made of beautiful people who actually cares for you.,hard work, love, joy happiness, hard work, peace, struggle..
We have lots of things to cherish for but still we cry for that one thing we are not having now. You know when we go through a bad phase everything seems negative.we start loosing ourselves. We Just want to escape from everything but that is the time when you will actually know who you are. You will. Know whats your potential.. Your capacity to fight the problems your strong determination of not quitting and beating the bad times. You will know your worth. You will realize that you are not less than that small boat who has overcome the hardest storm..
If we are not permanent in this world how can we expect our problems to be.. You know The moment you will start feeling that you are done with your life .take little bit of courage and take a stand for yourself, push urself little more because that is the time you have to help urself and you haveto motivate urself by saying
"i can, i will and i must "and that will be the turning point and you will see that doors are opening for you.
Always try to cherish yourself even if no one does. Whether u do a small thing or a big thing. Keep cherishing and motivate yourself to do more and more. Try to keep your heart happy and your heart will give you double happiness.. And if you go wrong punish yourself too..
Never compare yourself with anyone because everyone is unique. Everyone is fighting their own fight,, so are you Just compare yourself from yesterday whether you are better than yesterday or not.. You dont have to know it from anyone who you are Because nobody knows you better than you..set an example for everyone
Never sacrifice your dreams.. Even if it seems impossible try once..
And lastly be happy from your heart.keep smiling not for others ,not to pose but because you are happy that's why!!!!!