The reality about Trading, Forex, Trading with Leverage, Trading teachers and other stuffs

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Some years ago, I started doing trading in Forex, pairs with fiat currencies. I have read a lot of information about trading signals, candles, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and much more.

The true is that nobody know where is going the market. The trading teachers give me laugh, because if the teacher is a master, maybe could be living in the Caribbean, and no making videos. If you know the secrets of the market you are free, you don’t need teach, because if the other people do the same than you, maybe you can't win money, because in the trading markets you win the money the other people. It is a war.

For me Forex was a scam,  usually the Brokers are Market Makers it mean that they make the market to make loss your money. You can win when the market rise or when the market fall (they say) but the true is that you can loss your money when the market rise or when the market fall. 

To curl the curl if you use leverage you can doing it really fast 1:300 (really) with 1 buck you can invest 300 dollars, imagin the speed that you can loss your money if the market is going the opposite that you are betting. 

The best investors in the world say that in a lucky year you can win around 30% of your investment (in one year), if you want to live investing they say that you need around 1 million dollars. But they don't use leverage or do trading intradia o something similar. They invest in companies or in Forex but in the long run, not intraday. 

Nobody win money in Forex Intraday!

The Cryptocurrencies are changing the rules of the game, are to volatile, you can win a 20%, 50% or more in one day, but it is not usually. In Cryptocurrencies the game is similar, the investments are in the long run. Much more profit but the same game. 

The people do a lot of mistakes in the market, you need to buy when the market is rising, and sell when the market is falling. But the rookie people buy when the market is falling. But who are you to say that the stuff on this price is a sweet or to say that is a rip off. 

If the price is on the top I want to buy, because all the people in the market are wining money, if the market is falling I don't want to buy because a lot of people are losing money in the market. 

  1. If you win 1% every day in Cryptocurrencies market, you are a big winner.
  2. The trading teachers don't have any idea about trading. 
  3. Never use leverage
  4. If the market is falling, sell! Although it would be for bad price
  5. Buy on the top, is a good idea if price didn't rise a lot in a short time 
  6. You need to use Stop Loss, and go up this when you are winning