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RE: Important Things They Don’t Teach You In School

in #life8 years ago

They also do not tell you that the IRS is a private company and you are not required to pay for them. They also indoctrinate you into believing that theft and extortion is okay as long as its "government" doing it through threat of violence, coercion and duress, then call proceed to call it "tax". Didn't the farmers and freemen pull away from 3% theivery, i mean taxation, from King George III, by ie revolution and revolt/resisting? The british call these types terrorist. But it was these terrorist that founded the country to be free from tyrants like " ** govern **ment" by telling "them", YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! FUCK YOU AND YOUR FORCED FASCIST OPINIONS AKA Statutes(LAWS).

Glad we pulled away from that. Thomas Paine would be proud.