Higher education is it worth it?

in #life7 years ago

Most of us have heard the statement "Study to be someone in life" or "go to college to get a good job." I grew up in a society where it is very common to hear things like these. When I finished high school, I decided to go to college; For that time the governor of the state where I live granted scholarships in days to study in prestigious universities of the state, so I was selected and obtained the title of engineer.

 I remember one occasion in mathematics classes that the teacher complained that the training was too theoretical and impractical and that, despite their complaints and suggestions, the academic authorities ignored it. I remember how frustrated his words and gestures were.

Just graduated, I found a job that allowed me to practice what I had learned. My colleagues did not run with the same fate and that some had an excellent average.

With the passage of time the job was no longer pleasant, the same routine every day turned out to be frustrating, hated on Mondays. I was terrified that my whole life would go away like this. Reflecting I came to the conclusion that something was wrong, something was missing, so I began to investigate.

 In my research I used the internet, a powerful tool when you know how to take advantage. In a forum I found a recommendation "LEARN FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE" and recommended as bibliography by Rober kiyosaki. What I learned helped me a lot.

I am especially struck by what is said about higher education. In summary, I will express the most relevant ideas.

It's a dangerous advice

Advising young people to study for a good job is bad advice. Here are the reasons:

1. We live in the information age: Higher education prepares you for the industrial era which has already happened many years ago. We live in an era where changes occur very quickly and universities are not kept abreast of such changes.

2. Do not teach anything about money: taxes, interest rates, assets, liabilities, are some terms that every individual should know to avoid financial problems. In my case I only saw a subject for the eighth quarter called economic engineering, so the teacher who dictated it had for Jovi defer students making it unnecessarily difficult and a nightmare.

3. They only prepare you for employment: there are four ways to get money. The universities only prepare you for one: employment. In addition, many employers value the experience more than the studies carried out; It is very likely that the first few years will end up being exploited. When these new graduates usually feel fear and anxiety and that is something that experienced bosses know how to manipulate.

4. They teach you to work for money: when you just have a job and expect retirement money is the master. One ends up entering a rat race. Have you seen a hamster running on its wheel?

No matter how hard you try, you will always be at the same point or place. This is one when you work for money, no matter how much you work, you will be in the same place without advancing. That's where usually people with higher education end up.

To consider

For many what is written above is difficult to assimilate. The decision to pursue a career is very personal, and throughout our lives teach us that it is the best decision. But if you are studying or starting you do not settle, learn financial education as it is a great complement.

In conclusion, higher education far from being the decision with greater financial security, is the most risky, reason ... the world where we live change and higher education was left many years ago.

If the item you like, you know how to help me. I await your comments and know your opinions and experiences. In the next one I will talk about what it takes to apply financial intelligence. ¡Thank you for reading this article until the next!


Very true !!
Besides studying doesn't garanty you a good life : only hard work and a bit of luck do

Nice post :) I recomand you The richest man in Babylon , i made a review about it . If you like Robert Kyosaky you will sure like this book too.