Parasites in society
Living as a parasite within society reflects a state where an individual or entity relies entirely on the resources, efforts, or goodwill of others without contributing in return. This parasitic existence can manifest in various forms, ranging from individuals who exploit social welfare systems without actively seeking self-improvement to corporations that benefit from societal infrastructure without paying their fair share of taxes.
Such parasitism not only burdens the resources and goodwill of the community but also perpetuates inequality and hampers societal progress. Those who exploit the system without contributing back diminish the collective potential for growth and development.
Addressing this issue involves fostering a culture of reciprocity and accountability. Encouraging education, social responsibility, and ethical business practices can mitigate this parasitic behavior. Implementing fair policies that ensure everyone contributes according to their capabilities and receives support when needed is crucial for a healthy society.
Ultimately, eradicating parasitic tendencies demands a collective effort. It necessitates a shift in mindset, emphasizing the importance of mutual aid, responsibility, and cooperation to build a society where each member contributes positively to its well-being.
~ Regards,
VEIGO (Community Mod)

you have shared good tips to make a healthy society however we can see what the government doing against crypto. This is not a healthy actions.