in #life7 years ago


From my own experience in todays world just 1 out of 10 people actually likes his job. And 1 out of 200 actually works their dream job, no matter what kind of income they make. And that’s freaking bullshit and the biggest reasons this is true is that our educating system actually doesn’t support us to chase their dreams, doesn’t guide us in that direction, it guides us toward one direction and that’s the direction of slavery, study – go to college – find a job – work your whole life and just die..

So why am I saying this to you, you see in school they teach you that you can’t argue with the authority, if the teacher says it’s wrong then, it is, and if you try to argue with with the authority you get suspended or a bad grade, and if he says you can’t chase your dreams, it means you can’t, if they tell you to give up on your dreams, because they are impossible, you think you should listen to them? Of course not!

In the end what school is providing you is not just knowledge. They actually try to force you to become something you are not. All you need to get from school, university is the knowledge, you don’t need to play by your teachers’ rules. I am not telling you school or university is a bad thing, I am telling you all you need from there is knowledge

This is why you need to man up, why you need to start listening to your heart, what’s that one thing you could do for the rest of your life, every day for free, find that thing even if you don’t know it at the moment, FIND YOUR PASSION!
You don’t need to work a boring job, because some old fat lady told you and made you think so, seriously all you need from school is the knowledge. And if the school has fucked you up, It’s time to change. It’s time to start taking a different approach towards life, it’s time to choose your dreams, not the path that was written for you by your parents or your teachers. You need to create your own unique path and this takes courage, this takes balls and you see most people don’t have the courage and the balls all they have is – EXCUSES.

But for those who have the courage to go out of their comfort zone life has a different meaning. You see I will tell you the truth now, when you startchasing your dreams, you will experience many failures, you will lose faith all the time, maybe you won’t even see results for very long time, you see you won’t be happy all the time, but that’s the real truth. It won’t be easy, but it’s going to be worth it. Even if you die before getting there, at least you tried.


Is it bad to Chase Your Dreams?

Sounds bad? For me it doesn’t, I would always choose to chase my dreams, even if I knew that I would I fail every single, because it’s 10 times better to try and fail than to do something I hate for the rest of my life, because “someone” told me to do so.

Like seriously guys, If you do not chase your dreams in your lifetime, when we get to live only once, you have been dead your whole life.

I don’t care how crazy or big your dreams are, they are possible, don’t listen to others except that weak sound in the back of your head saying – IT’S POSSIBLE. You don’t need to be perfect, you don’t need to be the best, you don’t need to be an expert. But you need to have courage to chase your dreams – You see for others your dreams, might be crazy, but does that even matter – You live your own life, don’t make your life boring, just because others think your dream is impossible or crazy..

Be Crazy, Be who you want to be, Be Superman if you want to, but never be someone who you don’t want to be, always chase your dreams! Grab life for the balls, and squeeze them in whatever direction you would like you to see yourself going in! You choose your destiny, you know your life is not written, and even if there is such book where your life is written, the pages are blank, and you hold the pen and decide the content.

CHASE YOUR DREAMS, you have one chance to do so, and it’s up to you how you gonna use it!