[Social Experiment] I slept with my 2 best friends. [Let me tell you why.]

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi friends,

as the title says: I slept with 2 of my best (male) friends.

Now, in this post I would like to explore and justify the motives as to why I did this. If you're hoping for an explicit, sensual story, then I have to disappoint you. That is not the aim of this post. It is not about how it happened, or what happened. You can all imagine that well enough. No, what I want to talk about is: why?

Dear friends, boy or girl, I don't know if this feeling sounds familiar, but I, for least, do sometimes feel a certain (sexual) tension/desire, when among (one of) my male friends. Not all the time. Mostly, the feeling appears out of thin air and before I recognize what it is, it's vanished already. But I realize it has been there and I notice it happens more than just once.

So, a few days ago, I decided to give into my desires and get intimite with a friend. At first, I thought it was going to be awkward, since you've know each other for a while and you've always seen each other as friends, which implies there's a certain line you do not cross. No, to be clear, it wasn't like the both of us agreed "tonight we will have sex". No. What it was, was 2 people giving into a mutual desire. I wanted to give myself to him and, I assume, he wanted to share himself with me.

Now, there's actually 2 lines being crossed here. The first one is seeing each other naked, as friends. Well, I mean as friends of the opposite sex. (I've seen my girlfriends naked plenty of times.) But, obviously, it's totally different to undress/be naked in front of a male friend (as a lady). Yes, that seems awkward, but what I realised, once your in the moment, is that it's not awkward at all. In fact, at least that is how I see it now, we only convince ourselves that it's awkward. Indeed, it's only awkward in our minds.

The second frontier is, of course, touching each other (here and there...) and getting intimate. Well... that too, once you're in the moment, is absolutely not awkward. Again, the resistance exists in our minds and, as with many things, you just need to let go and surrender to the moment...

What about the morning after? Did I feel guilty? Awkward? Honestly, I thought I would, but I didn't. In fact, instead of feeling awkward when I ran into my friend, I felt really at ease around him. More at ease than before. Because, I think, the sexual tension got lifted. We had done what both of us wanted to do. We had shown ourselves in our most vulnarable to each other and now we could be around each other without there being some secret between us. In fact, our bond seems to have grown stronger. So, in a bizar way, I am happy we slept together. And because of this feeling, I gave into my desires towards another male friend. He and I too, feel sort of 'liberated' towards each other now.

And, no, both of them don't know I've been intimate with the other too. I don't see a reason to tell them. Well, there's this little voice inside my head, telling me I should be open to them about it. Yes, I probably should, because, you never know... what if they find out from each other. I am reluctant, for the moment, but somehow, in this case too, I believe it'll bring the 3 of us closer together (in a bounding kinda way) if we could share this truth.

I guess I'll tell them one of these days. And I'll tell you how it went...


                       ** PLEASE RESTEEM **


  • Keep checking my posts, as this story is far from over...

  • And check out the rest of the story:

  1. https://steemit.com/life/@unitedworld/i-slept-with-my-2-best-friends-part-2-why

  2. https://steemit.com/life/@unitedworld/i-slept-with-my-2-best-friends-part-3-you-are-a-ho

  3. https://steemit.com/live/@unitedworld/social-experiment-i-slept-with-my-2-best-friends-part-5-the-psychology-of-arousal

  4. https://steemit.com/life/@unitedworld/social-experiment-i-slept-with-my-2-best-friends-part-6-how-it-happened

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Nice story.. Not sure why you stopped detailing the second encounter, surely you experienced some different conflicts there.
There are quite a few modern day philosophers that talk about human contradictions like this, Stefan Molyneux is one of my favourites. Has helped me when going through something way more complicated than yours, complicated for me...
not my place to give you advice, I just want to go and say, if I was you depending on what intentions you have about these 2 guys, if none is serious, I wouldn't even bother thinking about telling them... if they find out they would just realise none of them meant anything more than that act to you, as long as you're ok with that, look forward, not back

Hi, you bring some interesting insights! Thank you. I agree that people should forward, rather than back, but I also believe my friends deserve to know the truth and that it is me they should hear it form.

Why do your friends need to know about who you have sex with? Of course if YOU feel it's necessary to fuck and tell, that is your prerogative, but your friends don't have a "right" to know and neither do the two guys in the story. In my view, telling them would come across as very "highschool" or drama creating. Any sexually experienced person knows that sex is truly "no big deal" 20 minutes after you're done. It's the EMOTIONS that are a big deal and these emotions are what actually have a lasting impact on individuals and have the potential to change us profoundly. Positively and negatively. Sex is fun, it feels good and is just a natural component of being in a body. Only society makes it weird/shameful/fucked up/dangerous. I vote keep it to yourself.

Hi @zenbit. I appriciate your motivated opinion. However, I, personally, believe that my friends do have the right to know. I know there are different views, but I am not the person to hide this kind of event for my close friends.

Sleeping with a friend sounds nice! If only I had friends that were female and not just silicon (damn rigs)!

I actually feel sorry for you bro!

I'm tempted to feel sorry too...

Lol it's probably for the best no one does!

Well gee thanks lol!


You're a ho. End of story.

As I said in my follow up post: I am aware some people may judge me. You have the right to your opinion, as do I have the right to live my lofe the way I chose (as long as I don't harm/hurt anyone). L.

The society that we live in is so judgemental that we don't give a fuck about what makes others happy, but we want to tell/teach and enforce what's moral and what's not upon them. From her post, she expressed how glad she was to have done what she did. Isn't that enough to let people like @moonliightartist know that she lives her life and decides to do what to do in her fav It's easy to throw stones and hide your hands like you're some saint or angel. As smart as @unitedworld is, she is reasonable enough to accept @moonliightartist's opinion, which shows that she is smart and reasons beyond the social norms and mind cages that most people live in. @unitedworld, I respect your courage. Not everyone is bold enough to face or own up to what they feel, talk less of acting on it.

Hi @simeonburke, thank you for your well put comment. Sadly, it is true. We live in a "point the finger/put the blame" society, where people condemn what doesn't match there norms, rather than accepting that we all have the right to be and act different, as long as in doing so, we hurt no other.

So you've slept with only 1 or 0 people in your life?
LOL good for you, not very artistic tho. .
Disappointed with your name!! @moonliightartist

  1. Get your dick out of your dog.

  2. Not everyone concedes to a "ho" lifestyle.

You don't really excel in bringing a motivated opinion, do you? I am open to hear and consider your thoughts, but, for the moment, all you do is judging...

Alright, that's it. I'm tired of ALL of you obsequious, pansy, cucks harping "DON'T JUDGE!! waaaah". If no one judged, we wouldn't have a justice system to condemn evil as well as tell a spade a spade. The only motivated opinion I'm bringing is the TRUTH. Your actions match that of a WHORE. You slept with not one, but two douchebags, out of marriage on a whim. I don't care about feelings, especially yours, but try thinking logically. You slept with people that you had a platonic relationship. Try asking yourself,

  1. What if a child was born out of your selfish lust? I guess you would abort it, like how society dictates babykilling as "women power".
  2. What if your friends use start using you as a cumdumpster? You already slept with them at a whim.
    3)What self respecting guy, is going to want to marry you? You spread your legs to two guys.
  3. What if you get an STD? I highly doubt any of your friends would disclose that if they had any.
    5)Do you think your guy friends still have respect for you, after you were an easy lay?

In conclusion, you can call me negative till you're blue in the face. But, you can't erase objective fact that you're a ho, end of story.

@moonlightartist I have only slept with one person, my husband, but I have many male friends and have dated/been attracted to some of them in my lifetime. I think if I'm being honest I would feel judgement towards someone who was having casual sex with someone that you just met in bar. I was raised to be a bit defensive as a woman and I'd think it was dangerous to put yourself in that type of situation. I would still keep that judgement to myself because it's not my business and your comment is as constructively productive as any other type of cyber-bullying.

But what is a relationship is not a friend that you are romantically involved with? @unitedworld likely already has an emotionally intimate relationship with both of her friends. For two consenting adults to make a big decision that risks impacting their entire relationship... that's all a bit more deep than being "a ho."

Hi @ectodoobie. Very nice post. Thank you!

I would never judge you for your indulging in a desire. Because I think people should do what makes them happy . What I think you should seriously consider before telling them both is not how it will impact your relationship with them but if they are also good friends which I am assuming they are you need to think about if it will hurt their friendship.

Good to see you are following up o your last post. I'd say, very clever. You will def pull a large follwing when interested users catch your drift.

My op: Well isn't this awkward. If they are expecting more than just a sexual relationship then this can get pretty messy i.e if they are in way over their heads. Otherwise I can see something like a 3some in the future. Ohh well, as long they don't make eye contact. Enjoy though ;-)

Hi Newton, thank you for your reply. Yes, I am afraid the very moment when I will tell them's gonna be really awkward. that's what's holding me back. But, eventually, I think being truthful is the best.


Why is your picture Victoria justice?

Europeans being Europeans nothing new XD

You are the only one that called it. No Values, No Morals, only self centered selfishness. There is always a trail of "hurt" unless you don't value yourself. Sex is for making babies. DNA between men and women begins to change the woman to prepare her to carry a baby that has foreign DNA. Feelings should be put in it's place and VALUES should prevail.

I'm glad you voiced your experience of the sexual tension between male and female friends. It's something that is either totally ignored or totally blown out of proportion. However, I think it's interesting that sex is something you're able to just "get out of your system." Usually when I'm good friends with someone and I have sex with them, I crave it even more!

If you are now so bonded with each of your male friends, and they knew it was casual sex for both of them, I don't see any harm in telling them the truth. It will add a level of openness and honesty to both of your relationships, and maybe to theirs as well.

Hi, yes, I totally agree!

You may have found a niche. I see a following forming. Good job. People will definitely check you out. Interesting and provocotive topic. More "classy, " upscale pictures of you with "good taste" would be great marketing. That , with your topic, would be a winning combination. Just tips for thought. Good Luck.

Hey, thanks for the tips and I am sure you are right, but I want people to like and follow me for the contents, not my looks. I've seen a bunch of other people that attrackt crowds by posting pictures of them in a bikini or a daring dress. To be honest, that may work, but that's just not me. Or maybe I need to grow accustomed to the idea. Have you noticed that it's mostly girls who post pictures of themselves...

Good point. But emphasis on classy, elegant, appropriate pictures. To me , it just adds to the content and to your story. Just be you. Remember your topic is already provocative and daring and the title attracted people. The "idea" is just simple marketing. You could have the best product but if you can't attract people, your product will have no exposure and no one will know you. Agree wholeheartedly though, no "risque" pictures, but pictures that "leave something to the imagination" is nice.

Hi, thanks for your great insights. I admit that you are totally right. The reason I shy away is... well, the more pictures I post, the higher the odds that some1 (I know) will recognize me. Imagine the drama if my friends would find out through my Steemit post (directly or through someone they know who read it). Now tjat I think of it, it may not have been the smartest thing to post first and talk later. But I just needed to share my story. I mean, sometimes you just "need" to get something out of your system.