Arrogance may be the reason why you lack self-confident

in #life6 years ago

No doubts, not all fears wake us up in the middle of the night when were still sleeping. Most of our fears comes as a result of lack of confidence and lack of self belief, that's simply where most of our fears hide. Have you ever wonder why you pause when you're asked to do something new, rather than the one's you've been doing before, or related to it? Well you're obviously not alone in this,

You have a fervent desire you wish to accomplish but never seem to get them done?

Everybody fears

Well this might sound strange and bizarre, but the truth is everybody fears. Probably some of us do have friends that is highly confident and seems to mingle with everyone, whether at a party, a business meeting, at school or anywhere they found themselves, for this reason everyone want's to associate with them. You might be thinking that person doesn't fear arrogance and haughtiness right?

Nevertheless, they seem to have their own personal, God-given confident, that enables them to impact on the feelings and actions of everyone.Maybe some of them are probably faking their confidence or they just tend to do things that'll make them confident respectively.

Well i have also experienced such to, for some years now, I've had this severe inferiority complex that lasted for a very long long time. Most especially in social gatherings, where i'll see my mate speaking fluently without no fear or complex. I've always thought they were born with that confidence, it was really annoying and painful. Having this social ineptitude, always striving to say the right thing that will be nice and pleasing in the ears of others. ''What will they think about me'', ''Hope i said the right thing'', "What will they say about me", was just running through my mind as i kept calm and silent. This made me feel i was literally the worst man on earth.

Arrogance steals your confidence

Incase you don't know what arrogance does to you. It steals our confidence. Arrogance makes us feel gloomy, sad and negative, this is simply because the negative voices up in our heads have made us think were absolutely useless and we can never speak fluently in public.

So basically, if you've ever wondered why you lack confidence, why you find it difficult to speak in public, why your thinking is bizarre and meaningless, if you've also wonder why your dreams aren't coming to pass the way you planned. Peradventure you should check your sentiments and attitude to arrogance.