My Life as a Whirlwind

in #life8 years ago

The past 5 weeks I haven't been as active on SteemIt as I would have liked - my life became a WHIRLWIND.

In September I had graduated with my Master's in Management and Leadership; Eighteen months before with my ITMB and 6 certifications. I have 25 years in my field and now with the documentation to back it up I was marketable.

With a teen going off to college and a little one in Pre-K, I was not only looking for the title up, but the pay up - a significanrt raise. I had some interesting interviews with all different types of companies. Government, Gaming, Healthcare, Airliner.... even had an interview with a Canadian company who decided after four interviews they didn't want me because of my background writing software for government entities... all government workers are lazy - wish someone would have told me that years ago.

I have to admit - a couple of the interviews/positions I didn't get hurt. I chose after three months of rejections to just stop looking. Then one day I got an email. A legitimate email from a company in Las Vegas who met all of my crteria: under 500 employees, family oriented, and a company culture that didn't promote the Sin City side of Vegas. They also didn't squawk when I told them what I wanted for my salary.

After interviews and meeting the owners, I had a job offer. OH MY!

Now understand, I have been writing medical software and databases for a state entity for 8.5 years. I liked my current job. But knowing I couldn't move up or laterally and would be "stuck" in the same position until someone died just wasn't what I wanted for my future. But I had security, good retirement, and 8.86 hours every 2 weeks earned vacation a year (almost 6 weeks a year).

But sometimes there are jobs that are just God things. You meet people and can see their soul, their intentions, and their passion about what they do, what they are building, and you want to be a part of that. It was as if I asked God for this perfect job and he decided I was worthy.

I had to go house hunting. OH - the market in Vegas is tough! But I got the third house I saw and it was ranked 2nd the end of the weekend.

So I took the job, packed up my house (well - oldest son did more than half) and in a caravan we moved last weekend to Las Vegas.

Researched preschools for 2 weeks, and toured and enrolled my little guy Wednesday.

The house is no where near unpacked. It will be trips to IKEA, consignment stores and garage sales to get the storage in place to unpack the house.

Monday is my start date! Wow! Director of Automation.