My old hitchhiking companion
Here is the guitar that was with me for the majority of my hitchhiking trip that I am transcribing here. The last post can be found here
This is the guitar that I purchased for 20 dollars at a shop called "Guitar Mama" In Asheville, NOrth Carolina. It apparently belonged to a child who had written "FIN" on the guitar. The neck was broken when it arrived at the small shop which, I remember being in a purple window. I waited outside until they were open wanting this little guitar. the scale looked good, and I just felt drawn to it. Besides, I was done packing the oversized Dreadnaught on my back, so I took the little black guitar, and left the other guitar at a community space. And off we went toward great adventures!
Love from the little things,
Always good to have a companion on the road. When I hitchhiked down to South America I had a harmonica. And a sleeping pad that sounded like a snare drum in the back of a moving pickup. Good times. Play on!
Each of your posts comes with more enthusiasm from your readers. I have that feeling that you are adventuresome. Nice guitar.
This machine kills fascists.
WoooW awesome musical instrument thanks for sharing keep it up
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Like the guitar with all of its stickers gives it character. Just what you need when traveling. 🐓🐓