The 5 Best Feelings in Life

in #life8 years ago (edited)

At least in my life, so far.

1. Moments of complete, and total, clarity. When you know that you are in the right place, at the right time, doing the exact right thing. I've had a few of these moments, one of which involved realizing I was deeply in love and tears pouring out of my face. These moments are precious, and if we tune into ourselves deeply, we can have more of them, or even live in total clarity all the time.

2. True romantic love. This is more than just sex or desire. This is that chemistry and those sparks that you feel for somebody. When you meet someone and you just sort of know that they are the right person for you, and you just go for it and it makes sense and feels so good. When I met my fiancee, we met at a festival and sparks flew, not instantly (at least not for her), and they hit hard. We hung out for five days straight, exploring each other's souls and falling deeply in love. We have been pretty much inseparable since, and I am tremendously grateful for that true love that I get to feel every day.

3. The feeling that overcomes you when you have a child. I don't know if there is a word that distinguishes the love that you have for your own child, but it is different, and deeper, than just about anything else. Your child is just a poopy, sleepy, squeaky little thing when they first get here, but you fall so deeply in love and care for them so much, that it is inexplicable and truly a unique life experience. You can't prepare for it, or imagine it, it is just deep, true, unconditional love, like magic.

4. Being in the zone. Part of being human is being stuck in our heads way too much. We over think, over analyze, and over do most of our lives. But when we get really into something, whether it be playing the violin or snowboarding down a mountain, we exit our heads. We get into our bodies, into that place of feeling, where everything is 'clicking' perfectly. We are in the zone. Athletes and musicians get to feel this all the time, but it can be found through art, writing, anything that is creating with your body. There is nothing as meditative or compelling as being in the zone.

5. True friendships. True friends are one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. It is hard going through life. It's hard for you, your classmates, your neighbors, your co-workers. We all have the same struggles. It's when we open up to each other at a deep level, and let each other into our hearts to deeply connect, that we get to truly share this human experience. Life is a lot easier when you have people to share it with. If you listen to, care for, and share with your true friends, life is will be pleasent, and you will enjoy it together.