The Absolute Nightmare That Is My Life
It has been 9 days since my last post here on Steemit, and that's not because I have lost interest in the platform. It's because my life for the past few days has been a nightmare that almost defies description. I don't have the energy or mental fortitude to describe it to you in all of its gory detail right now, but suffice to say that I have had to move twice.
I moved out of my house and into a new house, where the crazy landlord (who was for some reason snooping around while I was moving in) immediately noticed the movers unloading dogfood and went into conniptions about the house's strict NO PETS POLICY! This is despite the fact that their house was listed as Pet-friendly all over the internet listings and the realtor who showed us the house told us that dogs were acceptable with a deposit.
She literally told the movers to stop moving me in, even though all of my stuff was already in the house. She forced me to give her the keys because "the lease doesn't start until tomorrow!" So I had to give a crazy, raving lunatic woman the only key I had to a house that contained all of my possessions.
Then, the next day, I had to meet with her at 10:30 AM (at which point she bizarrely offered me vodka!) to move all of the stuff I'd moved into her house back to the house I'd just moved out of. So, over the course of two days, I literally moved my stuff from House A to House B, then back from House B to House A.
So, after weeks of preparing to move and months of looking for a new place, I have ended up exactly where I started, just with all of my stuff in boxes and my house in absolute disarray.
I'm sure my haters will get a good laugh at my expense on this one. And I'm glad that I can at least bring them joy, because for me this has been nothing but a miserable experience.
Did I mention that my back was out during the entire duration of these events and I couldn't even stand up straight, let alone walk without a pronounced limp?
Fucking bloody hell.
I'm only scratching the surface of this insanity. But I thought you should all know why I have been so inactive these past few days.
Don't worry about the haters on Steemit. You probably won't find them here. You think people are gonna be hating when they could just suck the d for an up vote?

Hope you get the whole housing situation resolved bro!
Damn sir...That sounds like a hell of a couple of days. Sorry to hear about that. You could always fight it...if you have the strength left. After all the listing, and the realtor said it was okay. If you have that in writing :\ But, that's not the point of this post, looking for advice, hehe.
Hope it all works out for you! :)
A lawsuit is being very seriously considered at this time.
I would...because, seriously, that's crap. Throw in some pain and suffering charges in there as well.
yes, that's what you need, don;t let the crazy bitch get away with violating the contract, I would also made a video with the name of her company and tell people to stay away from her - that is if I were you, or rather myself in your position ;)
Don't. Huge waste of money. Landlords have nearly total discretion over their rental policies. The lease itself falls under state laws and local ordinances that protect renters' rights, but the policies themselves are a different story. And I live in the civilized North. I can only imagine what would happen to this case in the Sovereign Confederate State of Louisiana.
People who hate dogs are bad people. Fuck her in her dirty ass.
Hope you feel better soon, we've all missed you.
good to see again man.
Who would laugh at someone who had to go through something like this?? You have my sympathy. When I moved into this house in 2000, I told everyone that, when I move out of here, it will be feet first because then I wouldn't be breathing anymore. It's flippin hard work!!
Dude, moving is hell, but to have to do it twice in a row, man? That's like twice the hell!
Shit, that sounds awful. As the naive kind of person who always assumes that things will "just work out", I can totally see myself in the same situation... Hope you got the men's march signs with "penis power" with you back to the first house and didn't throw'em away.
Hope things get better!
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Best wishes, glad to hear from you as much as the actual details of it suck.