Are You A Thriver Or A Survivor?

in #life6 years ago

In this 21st century, knowledge is the greatest factor that determines the success and career paths of people living and working in this information era. Those who are narrow-skilled may survive, while those who are multi-skilled and open-minded will thrive. What's my point here?, it's the difference between thriving and surviving.

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Now, these are two groups of people with knowledge being the greatest factor of production. In this century, for a person who knows how to read and write, it's the matter of selecting right choices that will make you either a survivor or a thriver.

When joining university, i here some people say that some courses are bad. To me all courses are equal. These courses are prepared to those with the right mind, those who see the future in a different perspective than the crowd.

It's only those who are willing to do a diversity of things based on deep and broad knowledge with an open mind, are the ones to join the ranks of the thrivers. Instill in yourself the discipline to learn continuously, because the game is open to everyone. So, it's your choice. I always like the saying, "Start with what you have". It doesn't matter how much money you have in your bank account, the size of land you inherited from your family or how much your family saved for you in a pig bank. The only idea is to start now.

To be a thriver means to live in a secure abundance and happiness having so many alternatives at hand that you don't even get scared of what will happen tomorrow. Thrivers prepare themselves for many alternatives just because they are headhunted. Thrivers don't look for jobs.

Survivors on the other hand live on the margin of risks, not even having the slightest insurance of what will happen tomorrow. And most of the survivors in the 21st century hold a couple of degree and diploma certificates since what they were taught at school is to study hard, get good grades and look for jobs. They are simply looking for job security!

"Some men go through a forest and see no firewood" (English proverb)

Thanks for reading.



I agree with you, @timothy256! That was a really piercing and jarring piece of work! As for me, I feel like I'm still on the survivor list. Most of the people I know are on the survivor list. What you wrote was really frustrating for me but I can't deny the truth in it. Every day, we struggle to survive and it hurts seeing the people I love doing that, and most of the times, it's for my sake. That's why I really hope to one day be one of those who thrive, both for me and the people who struggled to make me survive until now.
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