The Catch Of The DaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

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With the big city came a big rain cloud that dampened our ability to check out most of the sights and sounds around Shenzhen. Our hotel room was cheap and the bugs politely scattered when the lights were flipped on giving us some alone time. It took a few rooms to achieve the wifi we were promised but eventually the super was kind enough to get us a room that was hard wired so we could set up shop and do some online investigation. We hit a mid town park, took a few round trips on the subway, and uncharacteristically for us, spent some time in the city's malls which were very much like any mall just newer.
With a promised break in the clouds we made a bold decision and planned an outing to the beach near the city limits. One small daypack filled with munchies four busses and four hours later we made it to our destination just before closing. It was a bit of a heartbreaker as we'd put so much effort into poorly planning the route and dedicated so much butt in the seat time along the way but it wasn't to be. We rounded the parking lot and headed back toward civilization.
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There was a small seaside town along the route which was still open when our bellies were demanding it so we took advantage and stopped in. It was a true market, every type of sea side catch was on display however, it all had been dried and salted by the time we arrived. Not exactly what we were hoping, but we toured the isle and imagined how good it would all taste fresh.
Fishing Village2.jpegWe were lucky enough to come across a local fruit picker that had just climbed out of the bush with two piles of lychee fruit slung over his shoulders. Judging by the disgruntled faces we get when buying our 1's and 2's from vendors around here I'm beginning to think people are bulk buyers in Asia and not overly interested in our daily grocery adventures; however, we we were speeding back to town on the express bus munching on our lychees and watching the countryside morph into condominiums.
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The 4 hour trip took only 30 minutes to return on the express then back onto the subway. The train became elevated above street level at our end of the line, it was a very nice new train and quite clean until a small child peed a few feet away from me.. for better or worse children don't wear diapers here so we're left to the whims of nature. In today's case all the stop and go of the train was turning the pee puddle into a sizeable lake flowing my way!! A few breaches of the river banks later we were at our stop tired, hungry and ready to move on. The city was of interest but not the excitement we'd been hungry for. We figured it was time to make a move and bought tickets on a bus out of town. After buying some last minute travel goodies and snuggling into the roach hotel one last time, It was time for a change of scene and hopefully bluer skies ahead......... it's time2giver

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