"Just let it go" | Short Reads

As much as I understand the need for it, and I’ve used it myself, ‘let it go’ is probably one of the most infuriatingly frustrating phrases a person can utter. Even worse, is when people innocently tag on the word ’just’ before hand.
“JUST let it go.”
As though it’s easy, simple, elementary really.
It’s never as though these things we need to 'let go’ are tangible things we can just gather up in our fists and dump into the trash. They are abstract and haunting and there.

Perhaps, some part of this mysterious 'letting go’, is no longer claiming the hurt as our own.
Letting go is staring the monster in the face, saying 'I know you’re there’, and then saying 'I don’t want you here, I’m not going to talk to you anymore..even if you stay.'
And somehow, bored without our conversation, the monsters wander off…
Even if just for a short beautiful while.
This is very thoughtful! It's light and short and inspirational, I like it. :)
Thanks - I was wondering if it was too short to share, but I felt it said what I wanted it to without belabouring it.
i like it very beautufull
It can never be too short when the message is so clear!