I'll admit it... I cashed out. I went camping for the first time though.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Steemit has been on a ride, but I've been trading my $Steem for other coins. But I couldn't have done it without you guys, so thank you!

I didn't buy myself a Lamborghini, but I did buy myself a nice experience. I went camping for the first time completely on my own with my fiancé! I have never had a tent or ever gone completely off the grid camping, and so I took my opportunity.


It was a hell of an experience up in the mountains in north Arizona, and glad to say I'm going camping again next weekend.

To be honest, I'm curious how long it would take to get back a decent amount of Steem, so let's try to kick it back into gear again.

Does anyone else trade their Steem for any alt coins? Bitcoin is only going up from here, so pretty stoked to see what's going to happen this winter.



Just started! Glad to see some fruits of labor and it appears as though you are on the proper path. You bought an experience! One that you will keep the rest of your years.

Cheers to more and thanks for the nice read.

Glad to see you're enjoying the Steem you had. There's nothing like the great outdoors. I just started on Steemit 9 days ago, and I believe the possibilities are incredible. As soon as I can afford it, I'm going to invest some cash into Steem. Hopefully, at least a $1,000 initially.