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RE: UK Murder +27% In 2017; Govt Determined To Ruin What's Left By Embracing Islam
@lexiconical - as the CEO of - I urge you to remove our banner from this post. We are not supporting hate & discrimination content in any way or form!
You have also been blacklisted temporary until further notice.
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If you do remove your votes - please let me know on discord: therealwolf#2442 or
I've removed the banner at your request, but as someone who prioritizes facts over feelings I stand by the entirety of the content.
If this were a criticism of Catholic priests and molestation of young boys, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Frankly, I don't have much to say that is positive about any of the
common superstitions used by the ruling classes to control the lower classesreligions, but you start where the fire is greatest.But when we're talking about entire (third-world) nations who oppress women, gays, engage in capital punishment for free speech and adultery, etc, all in the name of their "one true religion", apparently criticism is a risky business.
I have a lot of respect for you as a person lex, but I don't have respect for this. It looks like you've just bought into a whole lot of propaganda and present us with the extremists as though they represent Islam.
You're more intelligent than this. You're looking for something to blame for the list of issues from your post, but you wrote them as specific to their own countries, which shows there is no connection to the religion which expand out into many countries innocent of the same issue.
You can take the extremists of the world and use them to make anything they choose as their badge of righteousness look bad. The only reason you don't see it as much with Christianity is because the media is practically run by Christians, but we both know there are extremists using Christianity to excuse their extremism. Anything we feel threatened by, we can just selectively portray extremists who use anarchy to justify violence, or feminism to justify being constantly offended. It doesn't change what a religious culture or ideology is just because I as an individual decide to use it to irrationally justify my immoral behaviour.
Look, I read the man's article, and yes, you can feel his rage coming from behind the words. But before making comparisons between Christianity and Islam, I think, every person living in a multicultural country should ask themselves these questions: Is the feeling of rage when looking at those numbers legitimate? Is there a solid connection between these statistics and the muslim population? Is the rage that you feel enough to actually be motivated into looking at what are the causes of the increased statistics? Are you level headed enough as to not to blame an entire population for these statistics but at the same time not to be fearful of being called racist/islamophobe if you find that the rise in criminality comes from the islamic community?
Ok, now, about Islam. My opinion is it was never a religion of peace, it always was a religion created for conquest by using subversion when force was impossible to use and domination and enslavement when there was no resistance. Of course, one of the subversive tactics used by Islam is to picture Islam as a religion of peace, all the while shutting down critics that say otherwise, and all the while maintaining its number of followers through threat and social pressure.
Of course not all muslims are bad people. In fact, I'm sure most of them are decent people. But when you follow a religion that is based on writing that claim they are the literal word of God, and from those writings you have Sharia Law - do you actually think that most muslims would follow what they believe to be the law of God or UK's law? (yes I know about that part of the Koran where it says that muslim should follow the law of the land... but the same passage goes next to say that "as long as it doesn't violate God's law, and what do you think most muslims would view as God's Law? Wouldn't that be Sharia Law?)
In the end, you may consider that the poster's rage is hateful. I'd say is fearful of what Islam brings and exasperated at his countrymen's passivity and indulgence, and I'd also add that these feeling are justified.
Take it from a person that lives in eastern Europe, and whose country was under Sharia Law at some point in history. Under Sharia Law we had to pay the jizya that was either in gold or in "blood" (as in if we didn't send gold we had to send children over 10 to be trained as jannisaries in the Ottoman army). Maybe this argument seems old to you and maybe you think that Islam has changed in the meantime, like Christianity did about some of its practices. I'd hapilly hear about how Islam has changed, as long as the Koran is (in muslims' minds) the literal word of God.
Q:How many muslims there are in the worls?
A: 1.8 Billion muslims. Source: Muslims and Islam: Key findings in the U.S. and around the world
Q: How many islamic terrorists are there?
A: There are less then 600 thousand muslim terrorists related to ISIS When ISIS was at it's peak. (2015-2016). Source: Wikipedia: Military activity of ISIL
That makes them 0.3%
Can we analyse a social group or category based on the attitude of 0.3% of them. Considering that the 0.3% don't even recognise the other 99.7% as muslims?
PS: You can apply this same methode with: muslim rapists, muslim criminals, muslim theves or whatever minority you want to emphasize!
I am not talking only about islamist terrorists. I am also reffering to other religious practices that the western world would see as barbaric: such as the general practice of keeping women dominated (through the use of FGM, through the mandatory covering with a hijab/burka, through the practice of wife-beating if she refuses to have sex with her husband, through the practice of rape if the woman is unnacompanied by a man, through the inequal treatment in face of trial (the word of a woman counts as 25% than that of a man))
I am also reffering to the practice of killing homosexuals.
I am also reffering to the practice of treating non-muslims as lesser people, and feeling entitled to rape non-muslim women.
I am also reffering to the practice of enslaving people that goes on still to this day in some fundemantalist muslim countries.
I know that most muslim people don't adhere to these practices, but they do exist. And these practices do follow the teachings in the Koran. I know that most muslims just want to live their lives in peace in their communities, but if such a situation would arise where they would be called to vote in order to implement Sharia Law (which endorses most if not all the practices mentioned above) in a country, would you think that muslims would vote for or against such a law, also taking into consideration that other muslims would call them bad muslims if they wouldn't?
I honestly dubt that when push comes to shove, the average muslim would vote for a secular law instead for what their own religion tells them to be the law of God.
In this case I'm going to take the numbers that you presented as true without fact checking, because in my opinion they are of little consequence for this discussion. And that's because Islam has many more abhorrent practices than just kamikaze warriors of Allah driving the truck of peace into the unbelievers. I'm not saying these practices are done by the majority, and I know there are also differences from countries to countries and there are different interpretations of the teachings, and not all muslims take to heart all the teachings the same. But, in the end, all of these practices are codified in your holy writings, and the continued use of these practices stem from the basic belief that the Koran is the word of God (and you'll find many/the majority/all muslims asking "But if the Koran says it's allowed to do this, and the Koran is the actual word of God, how can the Koran be wrong?")
Now let me ask you, let's suppose that you would live in ...I don't know... pick a "western" country with many muslim that at some point immigrated there, doesn't matter which one... let's say Germany. Would you be for or against implementing Sharia Law there? and why or why not?
...trying to use logical content against the emotionally charged low IQ individuals is pointless.
They know they will lose the argument, so can only resort to wide ranging generalizations that avoid reality.
You know what @lexiconical, I may not in agreement with you all of the time on topics we're facing on here as a society in general. But nevertheless, there's one thing that I admire you for having the balls to speak your mind without having to worry that your pussy followers might un-follow you or worst get flagged by those psychologically incapacitated butthurts who can't handle the unpalatable truth.
It's the reason why we're here--for the unparalleled freedom of speech! Otherwise, let's go back to Facebook and circle jerk each other to artificially please our fragile notion of moral standard.
That is hipokracy of lefts, they hate catholicysm and they use hate speeh aganst this religion but when you try tell truth about islam they start attack and call you racist, nazist ect ...They dont have arguments just ideology and by this ideology europe become a islamic state by 10/30 years.
@lexiconical If you continue to use @therealwolf's services after something like this, I will lose respect for you.
You should tell them to go fuck themselves and stand with truth.
It wasn't really directed at you, @therealwolf. Obviously, as a business owner, you have the right to set the parameters of your service. As far as you go, I'm neutral. You run your business the way you see fit.
But I will lose respect for someone who claims to stand for truth, but will continue to make a profit off of using a service that suppresses said truth.
O my god.. O my god lexi..
I read your post full of hate.. If you have a pure kind heart you neva used any harsh word to hurt millions of ppls heart..
You have alot of questions about islam but you can discus them without using bad words.. Your post made me speechless and so heart broken as i was considering steemit community a lovely kind community..
Thanx for all sending positive vibes here..
You used facts available on internet... I ll answer you with facts soon..
The reason I am not automatically removing all votes is because the post has some truth in it - facts are facts for a reason. And we are on Steemit and STEEM (a decentralised medium) due to free-speech.
I don't believe and won't accept putting the blame on islam as religion, but the fact that crime has risen is something to worry about!
There are zero facts. Non of the sources properly cited for verification. Premise and conclusion of the post is bigotry and hatred in its entirety. It is a shame you choose to support bigotry and hatred. I think I have read somewhere focus of @smartsteem was to quality posts that add value to the platform.
Regardless of any further outcome(s), I commend you standing up for free speech whether you agree with it or not or find it controversial.
I was prepared for flags or vote removals and was willing to live with the consequences.
If i answer to all of your statement, i will bee the same fool as you are. So hopefully you will widen your point of view of islam.
Islam is a psychological disease. Get over it!
Are you not discriminating against people with a higher IQ than yourself?
Some discrimination is OK. We discriminate against corruption when giving money to charity or businesses. We discriminate against the sex we'd rather not be intimately involved with. We discriminate against people without the skills when hiring.
As for the higher IQ, there is neither grounds to discriminate nor any evidence of being discriminated here. So your comment just looks like inflammatory trolling for the sake of having something to say when you don't.
I was saying it with sense of irony.
There was nothing hateful or racist/sexist/homophobic in the facts he presented in the post.
...ergo the comment I highlighted was nothing but virtue signalling...
If you think that trolling is highlighting another's non logical position, and is inflammatory - that would also mean non confrontational discussion is the only one worth having...?
Long live echo chambers?
Logical argument v's non logic argument indicates a different level of IQ. (emotional sentences v's logical progression is indicative of where you might lie on on the IQ bell curve).
You could therefor be argued that it is indeed discriminatory, if the recipient of that sentence is offended by it.
It would be valid in the post modernistic relativism argument context....
Thank you for the interesting reply.
The first line of the post says if you're Islamic you're garbage. What would you call that? Statistical data?
The entire post is more emotionally backed up by propaganda than it is unemotional statistical facts - hence the connection to Islam with statistics unrelated to Islam.
The response you're calling emotional is actually based on personal experience with real people in the real world. Which is where those of us who aren't as easily bought by the hate propaganda that drives you people to to support war against these nations live. The real world.
We get to know these people without the fear that's propagated into the brain washed minds of north America, and we see exactly where we are different and where we are not. If Islam were the reason then each nationality would come with the same difference, but we can say from personal experience getting to know these religious non extremists that they are not all the same at all, and we are more the same than we are different, with the same fears and wants for peace.
I am amazed with the courage you maintain the truth of Islam.
#Greetings @elnazry honor for mom @beanz.
Once again thank you so much to mom @beanz, i Love so much.
From a non emotional response.
I had a (ex)muslim girlfriend, (who suffered fgm)
I grew up in the UK, in a town with a large muslim population. My school was 35% pakistani.
My life, girlfriends, and experiences dwarfs the majority of peoples interaction with different cultures.
(I'm not saying your own)
....I now have an Asian girlfriend, who is Buddhist.
I am not any 'ist' that I can think of.
Islam is extremely sexist racist and homophobic. (from reading and from the experiences my girlfriend told me about).
What is your opinion on this, btw? - How do you reconcile islam with Islamic law in respect of, say womens rights?
The fundamental problem with islam teaching - as opposed to western christian values (i'm not religious, btw) - is the concept of deception being completely acceptable and encouraged if it means the furthering islam.
And in a state of war (the english town of the rotherham rape cases), the teachings can change any non islamic person - totally subjectively - to a person to being seen as an enemy.
And as an enemy to islam, is automatically demotes other human beings to 'collateral' damage, affording the 'enemy' no respect.
Thanks for your reply.
To answer, let's talk correlation vs causation.
You mention 35% of your school was Pakistani. So any statistics from this have not only the correlation of Islam but also Pakistan, which is a nation with its own culture. They happen to be Islamic, another correlation. You didn't mention whether your school was an all boy school, but if so, there's another correlation to consider.
As any educated person should know, correlation doesn't mean causation, so why do we choose Islam as the blame, or was it even us who decided that?
Africa is a continent where fgm exists in both Christian and Islamic countries. So there isn't necessarily even a correlation between fgm and Islam nevermind a causal relationship. Note that these are developing countries were talking about - all of them - so there's a finer correlation to work from. And as noted by @bitius already, colonialism has had a major impact on development in these countries.
You're talking of one woman's experience of Islam in the country she was raised in. I can easily assume that experience to be very real, and I'm unsurprised if she blames Islam for teaching Pakistani people this sexist way of maintaining power over women. All of these underdeveloped countries where women are violently oppressed are struggling for power. They can take power over their women and this is an easily exploited industry. I call it an industry intentionally. It's almost always about money and this is in places where there are not 101 ways to make money, so control of their women is a symptom of their failed economies. It has nothing to do with religion, religion is just used to justify the cruelty. If they didn't have religion, they would find another excuse. The human mind has a magical way of doing that, and is made easier by cultural norms.
In my own country, Ireland, there was a time before Christianity when pagan Irish worshipped the woman as the symbol of life and death. It was after Ireland got it's independence back that the catholic church gained power over Ireland. Since the great famine took place less than 60 years prior, the population of Ireland was low. Women having children out of wedlock were imprisoned in laundry facilities and their babies taken and "given" away. Contraception was illegal and so was divorce. Those who didn't want to be imprisoned had to marry and were no longer allowed to work for an income. This is less than 100 years ago in catholic Ireland when we were a developing country.
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