The importance of physical training in my personal experience

in #life2 years ago

A few days ago I had the opportunity to express openly my experience and give a final opinion on mental health in family environments, worth the redundancy under my experience in somewhat toxic and hostile environments, I also made mention of some things that helped me lay the foundation for not only feel better about myself but also to overcome, and one of those aspects was the physical training, at the time I said I would like to delve more on this subject under my experience, And what better opportunity than this to touch on certain aspects, both positive and negative, that led me not only to push me to be a better version of me involved in this aspect, but also to see the not so good side, of the influences linked to this world of fitness and how certain images linked to this, take a reality not so true or completely modified and away from that reality, so let's start.

A friend of mine very close to me by the way about 3 years ago, made the decision to enroll me in the gym where he was, my friend certainly knew all the things I was going through at home with my family and the death of my mother, so I assume that in his own way he tried to reach me and help me by immersing me in a new environment so to speak, At first instance when I arrived to that place I certainly did not feel very comfortable, but as I was with my friend things became more bearable and better, as I spent the time exercising my confidence as well as my security and self-esteem increased, besides the visible physical results for the newbie gains I had, my strength certainly increased a little and that motivated me to continue improving and growing. After a few months my friend had to leave that gym for personal situations with his job and other family responsibilities, so I was alone, and look do not misunderstand me I have nothing against gyms seriously, their machinery and implements as well as tools for building brute strength, endurance, hypertrophy, etc. I think very well but it was not a space in which I felt entirely comfortable, perhaps because of the noisy sound, too many people in such an enclosed space, so I left.

Then my journey continued only with calisthenics (training in which body weight is used), in an open and free space, certainly my balance and strength increased much more as well as my resistance, my toning and definition the same, and certainly although there was not such a significant volume in my increase in muscle mass I was not interested, since from the beginning I was interested in developing or developing a more aesthetic or defined physique than huge or voluptuous, no offense but it is not for me and the truth is that I love it, partially with other people as time went by in that open space, these individuals brought their dumbbells or extra weight and that is where I introduced and combined both things, the external weight with mine and it was the best. At the present time I am still like that, of course with slight variations, and that group of people at the time are now my friends and we have a kind of rudimentary space in which we take our weights, or implements to train with them or adapt them to our body weight based on what each of us want in the long term and do calisthenics with weight and I must say that I love it, basically it is something that I could say that is part of my life.

However it's not all rosy, bottom line I took the opportunity to exactly sum up as much of that journey as possible, to the present day with training in my life and I can come to say that I certainly feel good about what I have built and advanced so far, but I would certainly like to keep improving and continue to be a better version of me and for me. The negative with this along my short journey were certain things like body dysmorphia, inadequacy, comparisons and manipulation of information and lack or transparency in the virtual media, I will go part by part first and foremost the mental factor linked to body dysmorphia or nonconformity, and in my experience I came to the conclusion after meditating on it several times, Although the most common is a physical change the question is that it is not always given or carried out in the way you expect by many factors, whether it is the quality of sleep, food or volume of training and even if all this is done well it must be understood that this is something that takes a long time.


It's funny that I mention it because before training or even exercising, I was not interested in the least in my appearance, or my stamina or strength, but now I do and I certainly feel that is anchored to that, well in my case I want to overcome in all those factors and sometimes the mind plays a negative role when you compare yourself with others or you feel insufficient because you feel bad for not advancing as you would like, everything is a mental process, we must understand that nothing in this life is easy and sometimes we must sacrifice many things for an end, in my case I have developed more patience, since I know that there are things that I do wrong, but I do them this way because I must sacrifice them and leave them in another plane to do things in my day to day life that are certainly more important.

And to culminate two important points, the first do not believe everything that is said in the networks based on a "fitness lifestyle" or this type of propaganda that you can get certain things easier or faster with products or that you will get such a body or strength or low fat percentage consuming such things, however any exponent of that kind that recommend it, always be well informed before making a hasty decision, even physically there are people within that industry that consumes low amounts of drugs to not stand out so much and draw attention, to sell you dreamy or unrealistic things with just a diet plan, things do not work like that, and although there are certainly products that help in some way depending on what you are looking for, it is best to always get information from an expert and always but always focus on our food before anything else, always question everything, get well informed about it and above all if you want to improve something related to your physical aspects always do it for yourself, for your health mainly or to stay active which brings me to point number two. If you are interested in a balanced lifestyle, try to get involved more than anything else for your health, you don't necessarily have to follow a training linked to weights, if you like jogging, calisthenics, or climbing, do whatever you are passionate about and want to experiment and try for your health, and if you like it, the mind is something important to take care of as well as the emotions as I mentioned before, but the body is also the same.
