Shabbat Shalom! 3-13-2021

in #life4 years ago

Delight (part 1)!
Do you delight to walk in the Way of our Heavenly Father? Is His Way continually guiding how you think, behave, respond, and generally live your life? Do you bear the fruit of the root you have been grafted into? Or, do you reject our Heavenly Father's instructions and choose man's doctrines?

"Delight" is defined as:
A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind; joy.
The definition of the word "delight", in the original 1828 edition of Webster's Dictionary, is accompanied by Psalm 1:2 as an example of the meaning. In addition we're told, "'Delight' is a more permanent pleasure than joy, and not dependent on sudden excitement."

Contrary to instant gratification, which permeates our culture, we are to look to our Heavenly Father and His instructions in righteousness for lasting fulfillment. It may not always seem as enjoyable, but our Father's Way is always more rewarding. King David, the anointed one known as a man after Elohim's own heart, repeatedly records how he delights in our Creator and His instructions, learning the cost of disobedience. The anointed one from the lineage of David, Yeshua (Jesus), also showed us how to live in obedience to our Heavenly Father.

Simply put, do you delight in our Heavenly Father's instructions for Life, or do you reject them (and Him) for false doctrines of man that teach against them? You have a choice.

Our Heavenly Father's Way alone is Truth and brings Life.

Your Life Matters!
Choose Truth. Choose Life.

Enjoy our God-given day of rest!
Shabbat Shalom (Sabbath Peace!)

Shabbat Shalom 3-13-2021.png

'Delight' is a more permanent pleasure than joy, and not dependent on sudden excitement.