Shabbat Shalom! 2-13-2021
Where do you stand?
Do you celebrate wickedness or oppose it?
Is your testimony compromised? If it is, is it compromised due to ignorance or a purposeful choice to fit in with the world?
This is a situation of light vs. dark, righteousness vs. lawlessness, our Creator's Way vs. man's ways. It is better to be poor and walking uprightly than to compromise and have unjust gain. It seems people in this world are no longer interested in doing things fairly, justly, truthfully, or righteously any longer.
Promotion, preservation, and love of self is now the focus that continues to profane what is good. We're to love our neighbor as ourselves, but now more than ever that instruction is being twisted to promote political, corporate, and private agendas. That instruction is defined for us in context in Leviticus, and many examples are given through the prophets.
Those who do not fear our Heavenly Father have perverted His instructions for their own gain. This will lead to their demise. Lies are being foisted on and accepted by many. How are we to know the truth if we don't know the one who gives it?
Our Heavenly Father's Way alone is Truth and brings Life.
Your Life Matters!
Choose Truth. Choose Life!
Enjoy our God-given day of rest!
Shabbat Shalom (Sabbath Peace)!
Our latest note is now on the website!