Afternoon stroll to the shop...

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Very surprisingly this story starts with an afternoon stroll to the shop..with Reid.

And I say surprisingly because Reid goes out of his way not to have to be with me and Laz in public during the high "we might run into a hundred people I know" times of day and well, this just happened to be one of those times of day.

Poor Reid...

It most certainly was a very God filled day however because one of the first of many stops I made was a lovely man named Matt Milen and his 4 month old totally adorable little Boston Terrier. I actually can't remember her name because I was too distracted at her adorableness and the fact that Matt told me he was a "trauma therapist". Okay I may not have mentioned or maybe I have but I have been in the market for a really good "trauma therapist" since I got to Edmonton and I was just mentioning to God the other day that I really, really need to find a good trauma therapist and look at that...we run straight into Matt.

I even googled him when I got home and this dude is very impressive as he is nice and very easy to talk to.

Now I am not sure he will even want me for a client. I come heavy loaded with deep emotions and very complex PTSD and still grieving and only just coming to what I would say is perhaps "the end" of a very traumatic 7 year period in my life. But hopefully he will take me as a client because I really liked him and he was very easy to talk to and I am completely in love with his puppy so I would really like to see her again too.

I also met his friend who is an actual psychiatrist from South Africa, very cool accent and extremely handsome guy, so maybe they will discuss my issues and decide I need both of them because he was very nice and very funny and I really like them both a lot.

Reid was not quite as impressed as he stood patiently beside Laz, who of course realizes very quickly when I am going to be talking a lot and standing in one place for awhile and he was just laying at my feet.

We got into the shop and got what we came for, which was just butter and since we didn't have Robert with us we splurged and got the good stuff from Ireland with sea salt and a nice picture of very happy cows on the front. Robert of course says we are propaganda shoppers but honestly I don't care if it is the exact same butter in the ugly bright yellow packaging withe the ugly black lettering...I really like to have the one with the happy cows on the front that says it is from Ireland.

Yes admittedly it is actually twice the price and my abundance ship was given the wrong coordinates I am sure so I really can barely afford the ugly yellow one with the ugly black writing but I can easily do without just about anything to make sure we got the one we all like.

So to Reid's utter amazement we made it in and out of the shop in record time but that soon ended when someone called me from behind and I had to stop and talk to a very lovely lady who asked me all about Laz and told me that she works with the "throw away kids" and she really wants to adopt several dogs from the SPCA and train them for therapy dogs for them but she doesn't have a clue how to go about it and did I have a good trainer I could recommend.

Well I of course trained Laz and the minute she said "the throw away kids" my heart was already full speed on this project so I gave her my contact information and explained that I would be volunteering at the senior residence with Laz right up the street but I would still have plenty of time to to help her and would train the dogs for her project.

Wow...she was really happy and that just made my day.

Poor Reid...

I love this kind of stuff but Reid just really wanted to get home and enjoy that egg sandwich I was going to make him now that we had the good butter.

We almost made it across the street and down a full block when Laz perked up his ears and started walking very slowly but intently which means he has recognized someone ahead of us and Reid saw him do this and knows what it means and he just said to me "you know Muma one of the things I really liked about moving to a place where nobody knows you is that nobody actually knows you but now you have gone and made friends with half of Edmonton so now no matter where you go everybody knows you and I really just want to eat my egg sandwich can you please not stand and talk for too long"

Ahhhh that poor Reid.

So Laz had recognized one of my favourite people in the neighbourhood Genie. She is so lovely, soft spoken and so sweet and even on some really bad days I have had and I have been a weeping hot mess she always takes the time to talk to me, or rather listen to me talk and always makes me feel better and Laz just loves her.

Usually it is only his immediate family he does this to but Laz really loves Genie so I gave him the signal it was clear to cross the street and he went straight over to Genie sitting on the bench which made Genie so unbelievably happy because she knows Laz is not like this with "strangers" so she said she felt very special.

I honestly just love Genie so much I am very certain she works for God.

Just then Tiffinay came skooting by in her motorized wheelchair and Reid just let out a sigh and I couldn't see his face but I am pretty sure he rolled his eyes.

Tiffinay didn't stay long just enough to pass some pleasantries and so I told Genie I was on my way to make Reid something to eat so we said goodbye and we almost made it back to our apartment when I ran into Travis with the lovely white Scottie dog named Maggie. Of course she and Laz wanted to play and Travis is a very kind and interesting man who lives in Florida half the year, so I think Reid actually found him rather interesting because they were actually talking a bit while I was playing with his dog.

Then we made it back to our apartment...and I made Reid a very super awesome egg sandwich just the way he likes it. I am pretty certain Reid will not be going out in public with me anytime soon again or at least until it snows and all the people in Edmonton become hermits and we have the city of a million people all to ourselves.


Hello @thebohemianangel, Thank you for tagging me for this lovely well written story. Laz is such an interesting doggie and beautiful as well.

You are a lovely woman, so full of love & given. You seem so much better now, I notice your skin as well.....awesome job