
Last night I watched the movie Kidnap with Halle Berry. The film was captivating, action packed with a tinge of reality. It made me think about all the times as a mother I have walked away from my daughter for a brief moment to look at something or take care of business on the phone.
We lived in South Korea from the time Baby Girl was 15 months to the age of 4. And countless times I have turned my back to her, never thinking twice about it. Why is this? Well, South Korea is a very safe country. It's a rare occurrence that a child is kidnapped or harmed. It does happen, but it's not an everyday affair. On a regular basis, you will see children as young as 5 taking the subway or bus by themselves. You will also see young mothers turn their backs to their children with little concern for their safety. Harming children is just that uncommon.
As a result of this lax attitude, my daughter grew up with no sense of stranger danger. She had no clue that her life could be in jeopardy, for going up to a stranger and talking to them. This reminded me of the conversations I need to have with her while we are living in the states. Stranger danger is a real thing here, and not everybody she meets is going to have her best interest in mind. She's a smart girl and has caught on quickly to question everything and trust no one.
However, there are still gaps in her knowledge. She has no clue what alcohol is or drugs for that matter. And she still has a trusting nature. I guess at this point all I can do is continue to teach her about not speaking with strangers and don't take gifts or candy from people that you don't know. Hell, even question the people you do know. Let's face it; statistically, you are more likely to be harmed by someone you do know.
So, what did I learn from the movie kidnap?
- Continually talk to Baby Girl about stranger danger.
- I should invest in a minivan. (The van in the movie took a lickin' and kept on kickin')
- Do less talking and more ramming into vehicles that have my kidnapped child in it.
- Trust no one and go with my first instinct.
- Keep my wits about me and act fast.
Have you seen the movie? What did you take from it?